
long output;

errno = 0;
output = strtol(input,NULL,10);
printf("long max = %ld\n",LONG_MAX);
printf("input = %s\n",input);
printf("output = %ld\n",output);
printf("direct call = %ld\n",strtol(input,NULL,10));
if(errno || output >= INT_MAX || output <= INT_MIN) {
    printf("Input was out of range of int, INT_MIN = %d, INT_MAX = %d\n",INT_MIN,INT_MAX);
    printf("Please input an integer within the allowed range:\n");

当上面的代码输入数组 {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0 ','1'}


long max = 9223372036854775807
input = 12345678901
output = -539222987
direct call = 3755744309

发生了什么事... strtol 似乎遭受溢出但没有设置 errno


1 回答 1



包含以下代码后,您的代码可以正常工作(64 位模式下的 GCC):

$ cat t.c

int main (void)
    long output;
    char input[] = "12345678901";
    errno = 0;
    output = strtol(input,NULL,10);
    printf("long max = %ld\n",LONG_MAX);
    printf("input = %s\n",input);
    printf("output = %ld\n",output);
    printf("direct call = %ld\n",strtol(input,NULL,10));
    if(errno || output >= INT_MAX || output <= INT_MIN) {
        printf("Input was out of range of int, INT_MIN = %d, INT_MAX = %d\n",INT_MIN,INT_MAX);
        printf("Please input an integer within the allowed range:\n");
    return 0;

$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic t.c
$ ./a.out
long max = 9223372036854775807
input = 12345678901
output = 12345678901
direct call = 12345678901
Input was out of range of int, INT_MIN = -2147483648, INT_MAX = 2147483647
Please input an integer within the allowed range:


于 2011-10-29T17:24:11.197 回答