真的很喜欢 objectify,尽管仍然在为在我的应用程序中构建数据的最佳方式而苦苦挣扎。我将很快推出一个新应用程序,并且不想被一个可能无法正常运行或执行速度非常慢的结构所困。
该应用程序将在 HRD 上,并将具有大量实体类型。出于说明目的,我将组成一些示例实体。假设该应用程序适用于快餐店。每个连锁店都是一个实体(例如麦当劳、温迪等)。每个特定的特许经营权或位置也将是一个实体。员工、订单、菜单、时间表等也将是实体。
我想最大的问题是如何设置这些实体之间的关系?我通过在每个实体中将数据存储 ID 存储为 long 来存储关系。例如,每个员工实体都会有一个长值,即他们工作所在位置的数据存储 ID,以及他们所属的链的成员。
Long restaurantId =restaurant.getId();
Query<Order> q=ofy.query(Order.class).filter("location", resturantId);
public class Chain {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String type;
//getters & setters, etc
public class Location {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Long chain; //which resturant chain the location belongs to (mcdonalds, wendy's, etc)
private String address;
private String owner;
private String phoneNumber;
//getters & setters, etc
public class Employee {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Long location; //which location the employee works for
private Long chain; //which resturant chain the location belongs to (mcdonalds, wendy's, etc)
private String name;
private String position;
//getters & setters, etc
public class Order {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Long chain; //which resturant chain the location belongs to (mcdonalds, wendy's, etc)
private Long location;
private Long employee; //employee that took order
private Order order;
private String time;
//getters & setters, etc