请告诉我 RAD6 支持 JDK6 吗?如果是,那么如何在 RAD6 中添加对 JDK6 的支持?由于我的公司政策,我不能使用 RAD7。


2 回答 2


To answer your question RAD or the eclipse version that it built on will support any JDK that you want to use. The only caveat is the built in JRE plugin might not be the latest Java release. I am assuming you want to use RAD5 IDE (which comes with IBM jdk version 5) instead you want to use JDK 6 from oracle

You can do this by adding JDK this way and use that JDK to compile your java code.

  • Window ==>Preferences ==> Java ==> Installed JREs ==> Add
  • Click ADD and select the root directory of JDK that you want to use
  • Then select the check box besides the JRE to enable RAD to use that JDK
于 2011-10-28T19:13:44.030 回答

IBM RAD6 基本上是 Eclipse,而 Eclipse 基本上支持您想要运行的几乎任何 (Sun) JDK。

... 但 ...

该产品的当前版本是 RAD8 - RAD6 已超过 5 年。



于 2011-10-28T05:52:43.150 回答