013D1002 in al,dx
union {
float x;
int a;
} u;
u.x = x;
013D1003 fld dword ptr [x] // Loads a float on top of the FPU STACK.
013D1006 fstp dword ptr [x] // Pops a Float Number from the top of the FPU Stack into the destination address.
u.a &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
013D1009 and dword ptr [x],7FFFFFFFh // Execute a 32 bit binary and operation with the specified address.
return u.x;
013D1010 fld dword ptr [x] // Loads the result on top of the FPU stack.
013D1020 push ebp // Standard function entry... i'm using a virtual function here to show the difference.
013D1021 mov ebp,esp
int b= *((int *)&a) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
013D1023 mov eax,dword ptr [a] // Load into eax our parameter.
013D1026 and eax,7FFFFFFFh // Execute 32 bit binary and between our register and our constant.
013D102B mov dword ptr [a],eax // Move the register value into our destination variable
return *((float *)(&b));
013D102E fld dword ptr [a] // Loads the result on top of the FPU stack.
你确定直接使用 math.h abs 函数比你的方法慢吗?如果正确内联,abs 函数就会这样做!
00D71016 fabs
像这样的微优化很难在长代码中看到,但如果你的函数是在一长串浮点操作中调用的,那么 fab 会更好地工作,因为值已经在 FPU 堆栈或 SSE 寄存器中!编译器会更快更好地优化 abs 。