Assume I have a composite relationship, say a Customer having a collection of Orders (and assuming an Order cannot exist without an "owning" Customer.) So, I'm not talking about aggregation.

What terms are used to describe the roles in this relationship? I might say the Customer is the "owner" of an Order and maybe the Order is "owned", but surely there are better terms, terms that can be stated without referring to the other role.

I'm trying to determine these terms so I can propertly name attributes in a meta model. I can "make something up", but would like to use names that will be easily understood.

Thanks in advance for suggestions and/or pointers to definitive sources.



2 回答 2



进一步假设,在主题地图(因为我们正在谈论元模型)中,我们有一些内置关系,它们也具有全局标识符(您可以将其用于全局知识/数据交换),它们是超类型 - 子类型(表示层次结构)和类型实例(表示典型化,强类型“是一个”)关系。这些是相当全球性的(意思是,也在主题地图世界之外)。查看主题地图数据模型的末尾以了解更多信息。

于 2009-04-26T04:05:02.733 回答

This is also called the "has a" relationship. The Customer object "has a" collection of Order objects. Where as in inheritance, you'd say the Customer "is a" Person. You could also say the collection of Orders is a field or member or whatever you're language calls member variables. You'd just call the Customer an object (or a composite type). Most classes are composite types anyway, unless there's no state (i.e. just methods/behavior).

于 2009-04-26T03:03:40.820 回答