我正在尝试使用实现“智能剪刀”进行交互式图像分割。因此,我必须从每个顶点代表一个像素的图像创建一个有向图。然后每个顶点通过两条边连接到它的每个邻居:一条出边和一条入边。这是因为边缘 (a,b) 的成本可能与 (b,a) 的成本不同。我正在使用大小为 512*512 像素的图像,因此我需要创建一个具有 262144 个顶点和 2091012 个边的图形。目前,我正在使用下图:
typedef property<vertex_index_t, int,
property<vertex_distance_t, double,
property<x_t, int,
property<y_t, int
>>>> VertexProperty;
typedef property<edge_weight_t, double> EdgeProperty;
// define MyGraph
typedef adjacency_list<
vecS, // container used for the out-edges (list)
vecS, // container used for the vertices (vector)
directedS, // directed edges (not sure if this is the right choice for incidenceGraph)
> MyGraph;
class Graph
MyGraph *graph;
property_map<MyGraph, vertex_index_t>::type indexmap;
property_map<MyGraph, vertex_distance_t>::type distancemap;
property_map<MyGraph, edge_weight_t>::type weightmap;
property_map<MyGraph, x_t>::type xmap;
property_map<MyGraph, y_t>::type ymap;
std::vector<MyGraph::vertex_descriptor> predecessors;
Creating a new graph with 262144 vertices is pretty fast but the insertion of the edges tooks up to 10 seconds which is way too slow for the desired application. Right now, I'm inserting the edges the following way:
tie(vertexIt, vertexEnd) = vertices(*graph);
for(; vertexIt != vertexEnd; vertexIt++){
vertexID = *vertexIt;
x = vertexID % 512;
y = (vertexID - x) / 512;
xmap[vertexID] = x;
ymap[vertexID] = y;
if(y > 0){
if(x > 0){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y-1)+(x-1)], *graph); // upper left neighbour
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y-1)+(x)], *graph); // upper
if(x < 511){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y-1)+(x+1)], *graph); // upper right
if(x < 511){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y)+(x+1)], *graph); // right
if(y < 511){
if(x > 0){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y+1)+(x-1)], *graph); // lower left
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y+1)+(x)], *graph); // lower
if(x < 511){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y+1)+(x+1)], *graph); // lower right
if(x > 0){
tie(edgeID, ok) = add_edge(vertexID, indexmap[IRES2D*(y)+(x-1)], *graph); // left
Is there anything I can do do improve the speed of the programm? I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express in release mode with optimization (as recommended by Boost). I thought I could use a listS container for the vertices or edges but the vertices are no problem and if I use listS for the edges, it gets even slower.