我正在尝试让 ElasticSearch 继续运行。我下载了 ES 0.17.9 和 elasticsearch-head。我正在使用 JDK 1.7.0。
我没有错误地启动 ES 服务器,然后使用 es-head,我已经成功连接到它(http://localhost:9200)。集群信息/节点信息所有概述的东西都可以正常工作。但是,当我转到“任何请求”并尝试执行 PUT 时,它会因“400 错误请求”而失败。请求是到http://localhost:9200/,路径为 PAFRetail/indextypes/1 和数据:{"test":"test"}
cluster_name: elasticsearch
nodes: {
uQT1ZhL_SnedSdGOvUL0mQ: {
name: Aardwolf
indices: {
size: 0b
size_in_bytes: 0
docs: {
num_docs: 0
cache: {
field_evictions: 0
field_size: 0b
field_size_in_bytes: 0
filter_count: 0
filter_evictions: 0
filter_size: 0b
filter_size_in_bytes: 0
merges: {
current: 0
total: 0
total_time: 0s
total_time_in_millis: 0
os: {
timestamp: 1319478468512
uptime: 271 hours, 18 minutes and 54 seconds
uptime_in_millis: 976734000
load_average: [ ]
cpu: {
sys: 1
user: 3
idle: 94
mem: {
free: 2.7gb
free_in_bytes: 2921869312
used: 5.2gb
used_in_bytes: 5662928896
free_percent: 47
used_percent: 52
actual_free: 3.7gb
actual_free_in_bytes: 4035424256
actual_used: 4.2gb
actual_used_in_bytes: 4549373952
swap: {
used: 5.3gb
used_in_bytes: 5776781312
free: 18.2gb
free_in_bytes: 19583340544
process: {
timestamp: 1319478468517
open_file_descriptors: -1
cpu: {
percent: 0
sys: 592 milliseconds
sys_in_millis: 592
user: 3 seconds and 213 milliseconds
user_in_millis: 3213
total: 3 seconds and 805 milliseconds
total_in_millis: 3805
mem: {
resident: 133.5mb
resident_in_bytes: 140062720
share: -1b
share_in_bytes: -1
total_virtual: 1.3gb
total_virtual_in_bytes: 1421873152
jvm: {
timestamp: 1319478468521
uptime: 11 minutes, 48 seconds and 84 milliseconds
uptime_in_millis: 708084
mem: {
heap_used: 35.7mb
heap_used_in_bytes: 37529328
heap_committed: 247.5mb
heap_committed_in_bytes: 259522560
non_heap_used: 21.2mb
non_heap_used_in_bytes: 22253880
non_heap_committed: 23.1mb
non_heap_committed_in_bytes: 24313856
threads: {
count: 31
peak_count: 33
gc: {
collection_count: 1
collection_time: 36 milliseconds
collection_time_in_millis: 36
collectors: {
ParNew: {
collection_count: 1
collection_time: 36 milliseconds
collection_time_in_millis: 36
ConcurrentMarkSweep: {
collection_count: 0
collection_time: 0 milliseconds
collection_time_in_millis: 0
network: {
tcp: {
active_opens: 31054
passive_opens: 2985
curr_estab: 70
in_segs: 3066040425
out_segs: 3067744188
retrans_segs: 7917
estab_resets: 2809
attempt_fails: 48
in_errs: 0
out_rsts: 3474
transport: {
server_open: 7
http: {
server_open: 1
E:\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-0.17.9\bin>"C:\Program Files\Java
\jdk1.7.0\bin\java" -Xms256m -Xmx1g -Xss128k -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:
+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 -XX:
+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -
Delasticsearch -Des-foreground=yes -Des.path.home="E:\ElasticSear
ch\elasticsearch-0.17.9" -cp ";E:\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-0.17.9/
[2011-10-24 10:36:00,812][INFO ][node ] [Aardwolf]
{elasticsearch/0.17.9}[46508]: initializing ...
[2011-10-24 10:36:00,820][INFO ][plugins ] [Aardwolf]
loaded [], sites []
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,643][DEBUG][cache.memory ] [Aardwolf]
using bytebuffer cache with small_buffer_size [1kb], large_buffer_size
[1mb], small_cache_size [10mb], large_cache_size [500mb],
direct [true]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,657][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [cached], type [cached], keep_alive [30s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,659][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [index], type [cached], keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,659][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [search], type [cached], keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,660][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [percolate], type [cached], keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,661][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [management], type [scaling], min [1], size [20],
keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,663][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [merge], type [scaling], min [1], size [20],
keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,664][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Aardwolf]
creating thread_pool [snapshot], type [scaling], min [1], size [40],
keep_alive [5m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,671][DEBUG][transport.netty ] [Aardwolf]
using worker_count[16], port[9300-9400], bind_host[null],
publish_host[null], compress[false], connect_timeout[30s],
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,682][DEBUG][discovery.zen.ping.multicast]
[Aardwolf] using group [], with port [54328], ttl [3], and
address [null]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,687][DEBUG][discovery.zen.ping.unicast]
[Aardwolf] using initial hosts [], with concurrent_connects [10]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,688][DEBUG][discovery.zen ] [Aardwolf]
using ping.timeout [3s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,690][DEBUG][discovery.zen.fd ] [Aardwolf]
[master] uses ping_interval [1s], ping_timeout [30s], ping_retries [3]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,693][DEBUG][discovery.zen.fd ] [Aardwolf]
[node ] uses ping_interval [1s], ping_timeout [30s], ping_retries [3]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,720][DEBUG][env ] [Aardwolf]
using node location [E:\ElasticSearch\elasticsearch-0.17.9\data
\elasticsearch\nodes\0], local_node_id [0]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,908][DEBUG][cluster.routing.allocation]
[Aardwolf] using node_concurrent_recoveries [2],
node_initial_primaries_recoveries [4]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,909][DEBUG][cluster.routing.allocation]
[Aardwolf] using [allow_rebalance] with [indices_all_active]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,909][DEBUG][cluster.routing.allocation]
[Aardwolf] using [cluster_concurrent_rebalance] with [2]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,912][DEBUG][gateway.local ] [Aardwolf]
using initial_shards [quorum], list_timeout [30s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:01,936][DEBUG][monitor.jvm ] [Aardwolf]
enabled [false], last_gc_enabled [false], interval [1s], gc_threshold
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,461][DEBUG][monitor.os ] [Aardwolf]
Using probe [org.elasticsearch.monitor.os.SigarOsProbe@60e70884] with
refresh_interval [1s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,504][DEBUG][monitor.process ] [Aardwolf]
Using probe
[org.elasticsearch.monitor.process.SigarProcessProbe@49acd265] with
refresh_interval [1s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,507][DEBUG][monitor.jvm ] [Aardwolf]
Using refresh_interval [1s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,508][DEBUG][monitor.network ] [Aardwolf]
Using probe
[org.elasticsearch.monitor.network.SigarNetworkProbe@5c0273e1] with
refresh_interval [5s]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,689][DEBUG][monitor.network ] [Aardwolf]
host [Apollo]
lo display_name [Software Loopback Interface 1]
address [/] [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [true]
up [true] virtual [false]
net0 display_name [WAN Miniport (PPTP)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
net1 display_name [WAN Miniport (SSTP)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
net2 display_name [WAN Miniport (L2TP)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth0 display_name [WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth1 display_name [WAN Miniport (IP)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth2 display_name [WAN Miniport (IPv6)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
ppp0 display_name [WAN Miniport (PPPOE)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
ppp1 display_name [RAS Async Adapter]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth3 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth4 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network
Connection #2]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth5 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 EB Network Connection with I/O
address [/] [/fe80:0:0:0:5071:1913:9d81:8cee
mtu [1500] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback
[false] up [true] virtual [false]
eth6 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 EB Network Connection with I/O
Acceleration #2]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
net3 display_name [Microsoft ISATAP Adapter]
address [/fe80:0:0:0:0:5efe:a2c:10%14]
mtu [1280] multicast [false] ptp [true] loopback
[false] up [false] virtual [false]
net4 display_name [Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface]
address [/2001:0:4137:9e76:1c93:19dc:f5d3:ffef] [/
mtu [1280] multicast [false] ptp [true] loopback
[false] up [true] virtual [false]
net5 display_name [WAN Miniport (IKEv2)]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth7 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 EB Network Connection with I/O
Acceleration-QoS Packet Scheduler-0000]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth8 display_name [Intel(R) PRO/1000 EB Network Connection with I/O
Acceleration-WFP LightWeight Filter-0000]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth9 display_name [WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)-QoS Packet
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth10 display_name [WAN Miniport (IP)-QoS Packet Scheduler-0000]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
eth11 display_name [WAN Miniport (IPv6)-QoS Packet Scheduler-0000]
mtu [-1] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false]
up [false] virtual [false]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,823][DEBUG][http.netty ] [Aardwolf]
using max_chunk_size[8kb], max_header_size[8kb],
max_initial_line_length[4kb], max_content_length[100mb]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,828][DEBUG][index.shard.recovery ] [Aardwolf]
using concurrent_streams [5], file_chunk_size [100kb], translog_size
[100kb], translog_ops [1000], and compress [true]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,831][DEBUG][indices.memory ] [Aardwolf]
using index_buffer_size [98.9mb], with min_shard_index_buffer_size
[4mb], max_shard_index_buffer_size [512mb], shard_inactive_tim
e [30m]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,841][DEBUG][indices.cache.filter ] [Aardwolf]
using [node] filter cache with size [197.9mb]
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,892][INFO ][node ] [Aardwolf]
{elasticsearch/0.17.9}[46508]: initialized
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,893][INFO ][node ] [Aardwolf]
{elasticsearch/0.17.9}[46508]: starting ...
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,913][DEBUG]
[netty.channel.socket.nio.NioProviderMetadata] Using the autodetected
NIO constraint level: 0
[2011-10-24 10:36:02,963][DEBUG][transport.netty ] [Aardwolf]
Bound to address [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]
[2011-10-24 10:36:03,020][INFO ][transport ] [Aardwolf]
bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,183][DEBUG][discovery.zen ] [Aardwolf]
ping responses: {none}
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,187][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)]: execute
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,188][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
cluster state updated, version [1], source [zen-disco-join
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,190][INFO ][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
new_master [Aardwolf][uQT1ZhL_SnedSdGOvUL0mQ][inet[/]],
reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,223][DEBUG][transport.netty ] [Aardwolf]
Connected to node [[Aardwolf][uQT1ZhL_SnedSdGOvUL0mQ][inet[/]]]
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,228][DEBUG][river.cluster ] [Aardwolf]
processing [reroute_rivers_node_changed]: execute
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,228][INFO ][discovery ] [Aardwolf]
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,228][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)]: done applying updated
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,230][DEBUG][river.cluster ] [Aardwolf]
processing [reroute_rivers_node_changed]: no change in cluster_state
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,243][DEBUG][gateway.local ] [Aardwolf]
elected state from [[Aardwolf][uQT1ZhL_SnedSdGOvUL0mQ][inet[/]]]
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,244][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [local-gateway-elected-state]: execute
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,247][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
cluster state updated, version [8], source [local-gateway-elected-
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,248][DEBUG][river.cluster ] [Aardwolf]
processing [reroute_rivers_node_changed]: execute
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,248][DEBUG][river.cluster ] [Aardwolf]
processing [reroute_rivers_node_changed]: no change in cluster_state
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,252][INFO ][gateway ] [Aardwolf]
recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,253][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [local-gateway-elected-state]: done applying updated
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,311][INFO ][http ] [Aardwolf]
bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2011-10-24 10:36:06,312][INFO ][node ] [Aardwolf]
{elasticsearch/0.17.9}[46508]: started
[2011-10-24 10:36:16,227][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [routing-table-updater]: execute
[2011-10-24 10:36:16,228][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [routing-table-updater]: no change in cluster_state
[2011-10-24 10:36:16,811][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [create-index [PAFRetail], cause [auto(index api)]]:
[2011-10-24 10:36:16,812][DEBUG][cluster.service ] [Aardwolf]
processing [create-index [PAFRetail], cause [auto(index api)]]: no
change in cluster_state