我读过可以以编程方式访问 Facebook Insights

Graph API 提供对所有这些数据的编程访问,因此您可以将平台数据集成到您自己的自定义分析系统中。


  1. 是否可以使用域的 Facebook Insights 访问域中的数据?
  2. 如何从公共 URL 获取数据?我编写了这个小脚本,它返回给定 URL 的共享数量,而不使用来自 Facebook Insights 的域数据,但是我如何从给定 URL 获取所有可能的信息(例如谁共享它,谁喜欢它,谁评论, ETC)?这甚至可能吗?

1 回答 1


To get insights for a domain, get the read_insights permission, then GET


To get insights for a particular URL on your domain, GET


Not all of the data you want is available - for example, you can't get the UIDs of the users who shared and liked your URL, but you can get the count.

If you have the comments plugin embedded on your URL, you can get the UIDs of the users who have commented on your URL as comments in the plugin are always public.

于 2011-10-24T10:17:10.103 回答