我需要提示用户一个告诉他写一个数字的消息,然后我存储这个数字并对其进行一些操作在 INT 21h 中搜索后我发现了这个:

INT 21h / AH=1 - read character from standard input, with echo, result is stored in AL.
if there is no character in the keyboard buffer, the function waits until any key is pressed. 


    mov ah, 1
    int 21h

主要问题是这只读取一个字符并将其表示为 ASCII 所以如果我需要写数字“357”,我会将它读为 3 , 5 , 7

这不是我的目标。有任何想法吗 ?


2 回答 2


当您设法获得用户输入时,将其指针放在 ESI 中(ESI = 字符串的地址)

myNumber BYTE "12345",0        ;for test purpose I declare a string '12345'

Main Proc
    xor ebx,ebx                ;EBX = 0
    mov  esi,offset myNumber   ;ESI points to '12345'


    lodsb                      ;load the first byte pointed by ESI in al

    cmp al,'0'                 ;check if it's an ascii number [0-9]
    jb noascii                 ;not ascii, exit
    cmp al,'9'                 ;check the if it's an ascii number [0-9]
    ja noascii                 ;not ascii, exit

    sub al,30h                 ;ascii '0' = 30h, ascii '1' = 31h ...etc.
    cbw                        ;byte to word
    cwd                        ;word to dword
    push eax
    mov eax,ebx                ;EBX will contain '12345' in hexadecimal
    mov ecx,10
    mul ecx                    ;AX=AX*10
    mov ebx,eax
    pop eax
    add ebx,eax
    jmp loopme                 ;continue until ESI points to a non-ascii [0-9] character
    ret                        ;EBX = 0x00003039 = 12345
Main EndP
于 2011-10-24T14:00:35.027 回答

获得字符串后,您必须将其转换为数字。问题是,您必须编写自己的程序才能做到这一点。这是我通常使用的(虽然是用 C 语言编写的):

int strToNum(char *s) {
    int len = strlen(s), res = 0, mul = 0;
    char *ptr = s + len;

    while(ptr >= s)
        res += (*ptr-- - '0') * (int)pow(10.0, mul++);

    return res;

这是解释。首先,*ptr-- - '0'获取一个数字的整数表示(这样'9' - '0' = 9,然后它递减ptr,使其指向前一个字符。一旦我们知道该数字,我们必须将其提高到 10 的幂。例如,假设输入是'357',代码的作用是:

('7' - '0' = 7) * 10 ^ 0 =   7 +
('5' - '0' = 5) * 10 ^ 1 =  50 +
('3' - '0' = 3) * 10 ^ 2 = 300 = 
于 2011-10-23T19:16:36.897 回答