#==========================BEGINNING OF PARMS======================================
#name of the channels where this feature will be used
my @channels = ("foo","bar");
#the public commands
my $cmd_help = '!help';
#new ticket
my $cmd_newticket = "!stack";
my %url_newticket = ( 'foo'=>{url=>"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask"},
sub bootstrap {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
#lowercase of the channel name in case this one will be registered in camelCase ;)
$target = lc $target;
foreach my $channel (@channels) {
if ( $target eq "#".$channel) {
#split the line first peace the command second the rest
my ($cmd,$line) = split / /,$msg,2;
if ($cmd =~ $cmd_help) {
$server->command("MSG ". $nick ." Here are the available commands : !stack");
} elsif ($cmd eq $cmd_newticket) {
my $h = $url_newticket{$channel};
$server->command("MSG $target submit an issue/a ticket $h->{'url'}");
#let's add the sub as a signal and let's play
Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', 'bootstrap');