<script type="text/jquery">
function gettotalAdult()
//Assume form with id="fsd-bucket-calc"
var theForm = document.forms["fsd-bucket-calc"];
//Get a reference to the # of Adults & Children
var quantity = theForm.elements["totalAdult"];
var caloriesAdult = theForm.elements["caloriesAdult"];
var adultcalTotal=0;
//If the totalAdult is not blank
adultcalTotal = parseInt(totalAdult.value)*parseInt(caloriesAdult.value);
return adultcalTotal;
function gettotalChild()
//Assume form with id="fsd-bucket-calc"
var theForm = document.forms["fsd-bucket-calc"];
//Get a reference to the # of Children
var totalChild = theForm.elements["totalChild"];
var caloriesChild = theForm.elements["caloriesChild"];
var childcalTotal=0;
//If the totalChild is not blank
childcalTotal = parseInt(totalChild.value)*parseInt(caloriesChild.value);
return childcalTotal;
function gettotalCalories()
//Here we get the total calories by calling our function
//Each function returns a number so by calling them we add the values they return together
var totalCalories = gettotalAdult() + gettotalChild();
//display the result
document.getElementById('total-req-cal').innerHTML = "The total required calories are "+totalCalories;
这是我的 HTML:
<input type="text" name="totalAdult" id="totalAdult" onkeyup="gettotalCalories()" />
gettotalCalories 未定义
如果有帮助,该脚本位于 WordPress 页面的头部。有谁看到我做错了什么?