I am trying to use MSBuild to compile a solution with a few BizTalk 2010 projects (maps, schemas, pipelines) and a few non-BizTalk projects (console app, web app).

MSBuild gets triggered by Nant. The problem is that, everytime I run the compilation, the BizTalk projects get recompiled (and the assembly version number changes). This happens even if there are absolutely no changes to any part of the entire solution.

In other words, If I build the solution once, the assemblies get created fine. Immediately, if I build again, the non-BizTalk assemblies do not get re-created (MSBuild reports Skipping target "CoreCompile" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files). But, the BizTalk assemblies happily get re-created. This is annoying.

Please can someone help/advise?


1 回答 1


BizTalk Server 2009 和 2010 .btproj 项目文件确实是 MSBuild 项目。正如您所注意到的,编写标准 BizTalk 目标的方式会阻止 BizTalk 项目的增量构建。

幸运的是,MSBuild 是可扩展的,并且可以通过多种方式进行自定义。请按照本文中的说明更改 .btproj 文件的标准构建逻辑,以便为您的构建系统添加增量支持。

于 2011-12-12T12:56:21.310 回答