在 Go 中,如何在运行时从对象的类型创建对象的实例?我想您还需type要先获取对象的实际值吗?



5 回答 5



package main

import (

func main() {
    // one way is to have a value of the type you want already
    a := 1
    // reflect.New works kind of like the built-in function new
    // We'll get a reflected pointer to a new int value
    intPtr := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(a))
    // Just to prove it
    b := intPtr.Elem().Interface().(int)
    // Prints 0

    // We can also use reflect.New without having a value of the type
    var nilInt *int
    intType := reflect.TypeOf(nilInt).Elem()
    intPtr2 := reflect.New(intType)
    // Same as above
    c := intPtr2.Elem().Interface().(int)
    // Prints 0 again

你可以用结构类型而不是 int 来做同样的事情。或者别的什么,真的。当涉及到 map 和 slice 类型时,一定要知道 new 和 make 之间的区别。

于 2011-10-21T21:10:16.067 回答


package main

import (

type Config struct {
    Name string
    Meta struct {
        Desc string
        Properties map[string]string
        Users []string

func initializeStruct(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) {
  for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
    f := v.Field(i)
    ft := t.Field(i)
    switch ft.Type.Kind() {
    case reflect.Map:
    case reflect.Slice:
      f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(ft.Type, 0, 0))
    case reflect.Chan:
      f.Set(reflect.MakeChan(ft.Type, 0))
    case reflect.Struct:
      initializeStruct(ft.Type, f)
    case reflect.Ptr:
      fv := reflect.New(ft.Type.Elem())
      initializeStruct(ft.Type.Elem(), fv.Elem())

func main() {
    t := reflect.TypeOf(Config{})
    v := reflect.New(t)
    initializeStruct(t, v.Elem())
    c := v.Interface().(*Config)
    c.Meta.Properties["color"] = "red" // map was already made!
    c.Meta.Users = append(c.Meta.Users, "srid") // so was the slice.
于 2013-04-23T21:12:16.713 回答

您可以使用reflect.Zero()which 将返回结构类型的零值的表示。(类似于 if you did var foo StructType)这不同于reflect.New()后者将动态分配结构并给你一个指针,类似于new(StructType)

于 2011-10-22T00:02:54.377 回答

这是一个像 Evan Shaw 给出的基本示例,但带有一个结构:

package main

import (

func main() {

    type Product struct {
        Name  string
        Price string

    var product Product
    productType := reflect.TypeOf(product)       // this type of this variable is reflect.Type
    productPointer := reflect.New(productType)   // this type of this variable is reflect.Value. 
    productValue := productPointer.Elem()        // this type of this variable is reflect.Value.
    productInterface := productValue.Interface() // this type of this variable is interface{}
    product2 := productInterface.(Product)       // this type of this variable is product

    product2.Name = "Toothbrush"
    product2.Price = "2.50"



根据 newacct 的响应,使用 Reflect.zero 将是:

   var product Product
   productType := reflect.TypeOf(product)       // this type of this variable is reflect.Type
   productValue := reflect.Zero(productType)    // this type of this variable is reflect.Value
   productInterface := productValue.Interface() // this type of this variable is interface{}
   product2 := productInterface.(Product)       // the type of this variable is Product

这是一篇关于 Go 中反射基础的精彩文章。

于 2018-02-08T22:40:49.403 回答


package main

import (

// Interface common for all classes
type MainInterface interface {
    GetId() string

// First type of object
type FirstType struct {
    Id string

func (ft *FirstType) GetId() string {
    return ft.Id

// FirstType factory
func InitializeFirstType(id string) MainInterface {
    return &FirstType{Id: id}

// Second type of object
type SecondType struct {
    Id string

func (st *SecondType) GetId() string {
    return st.Id

// SecondType factory
func InitializeSecondType(id string) MainInterface {
    return &SecondType{Id: id}

func main() {
    // Map of strings to factories
    classes := map[string]func(string) MainInterface{
        "first": InitializeFirstType,
        "second": InitializeSecondType,

    // Create a new FirstType object with value of 10 using the factory
    newObject := classes["first"]("10")

    // Show that we have the object correctly created
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", newObject.GetId())

    // Create a new SecondType object with value of 20 using the factory
    newObject2 := classes["second"]("20")

    // Show that we have the object correctly created
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", newObject2.GetId())
于 2018-06-18T13:54:35.917 回答