If someone have an HTC device and go to the SMS messages and tap on some of the messages in the thread then an context menu is shown.

I have an list and I do not know what is the right thing to put the context menu to be shown on longpress or just on press (click) on some of the item in the list.

I think that the right thing is to put it on long press, I mean the user holds some of the items in the list and then it is presented with the options...

Well the sms in htc it is not coded this way. When I open messages that ware send to some friend and tap on some specific message then I am instantly presented with the list of options, sms i app that is frequently used by many people and htc is big company, so they did this by some reason. Reason I do not get it :(, can someone tall me what is the right thing ?

showing context menu should be done: -on long press -on clcik

maybe my question is stupid, but I want to know what is the convention and what is more user friendly Thanks


1 回答 1



我不能告诉你 htc 在他们决定背后的想法是什么,但这就是我的看法。基本上这都是关于直觉的。如果有几件事可以做,而且它们的可能性都一样,那么让用户决定他想要什么。

于 2011-10-21T10:41:38.480 回答