we're comparing JTDS and Microsoft SQL Server for a Java EE application running on JBoss and we're finding that JTDS is from 30% to 50% faster, benchmarking the application in a high concurrence scenario and keeping exactly the same HW/SW but changing only the driver in the datasource configuration.

While we've seen a lot of favorable options towards JTDS and so we're thinking to go for it I'm still curious:

  • Why is the JTDS driver so much faster?
  • Why Microsoft never updated its driver to be fast as JTDS?

Comparison was made using the latest JDBC 3.0 version and the latest JTDS version and using a SQL Server 2008 running on a 16 core installation with dedicated SAN.


1 回答 1



性能差异有许多潜在原因。其中一些在驱动程序生成的 T-SQL 中可见,您可以使用 SQL Profiler 查看。其他方面则更为微妙,例如连接管理以及如何实现底层协议 (TDS)。

我不能肯定为什么 MS 从未更新他们的驱动程序,但我怀疑部分原因是因为 Java 被认为是一种有竞争力的产品/平台。

于 2011-12-03T02:52:44.730 回答