
尝试为 subsetSum 编写算法...它应该找到给定向量的所有可能子集,然后找到哪些子集加起来达到目标​​值。但是,我不断收到 nullpointerexceptions 和其他一些错误。有人可以帮我吗?我处于一个紧张的位置,大脑几乎无法运作。非常感激。谢谢。

at Sumation.subsetSum(Sumation.java:78)
at Sumation.main(Sumation.java:110)

第 78 行是 subsetSum 方法中第一个 for 循环的行。

/* Ruben Martinez
 * CS 210 Data Structures
 * Program requires no paramters at main method call;
 * instead, a JOptionPane asks for the ints the user
 * wishes to search. These must be seperated by commas,
 * e.g. 50,40,30 or 35,45,55. Program then asks for a 
 * target int to find. Program searches for target
 * and returns combinations that add up to the target.

import java.util.Vector; 
import javax.swing.*;

public class Sumation
    static int[] array;
    static int target;
    static Vector<Integer> subsets;
    static Vector<Integer> set;
    static Vector<Vector<Integer>> outer;

    public Sumation() {
        //insert integers into array
        String defineArray = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                "Enter integers to search. Seperate by commas.", null);
        //splits string into array delimeted by commas
        String[] arrayString = defineArray.split(",");
        //creates int array of size of string array
        array = new int[arrayString.length];
        //adds ints from args[] to int array
        for (int i = 0; i < arrayString.length; i++) {
            array[i] = Integer.parseInt(arrayString[i]);
        //enter integer to search for
        String targetString = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                "What is your target integer?", null);
        //turns string to int
        target = Integer.parseInt(targetString);

        set = new Vector<Integer>();
        for (int n = 0; n < array.length; n++) {

    private static Vector<Vector<Integer>> getSubsets(Vector<Integer> set) {
        Vector<Vector<Integer>> subsetCollection = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();

        if (set.size() == 0) {
            subsetCollection.add(new Vector<Integer>());
        } else {
            Vector<Integer> reducedSet = new Vector<Integer>();

            int first = reducedSet.remove(0);
            Vector<Vector<Integer>> subsets = getSubsets(reducedSet);

            subsets = getSubsets(reducedSet);

            for (Vector<Integer> subset : subsets) {
                subset.add(0, first);


        return subsetCollection;

    public static Vector<Vector<Integer>> subsetSum(Vector<Integer> subsets, int target) {
        //creates outer vector
        outer = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();

        for (int k = 0; k < subsets.size(); k++) {
            //if k is the target, display
            if (array[k] == target) {
                //creates new inner vector for values that equal target
                Vector<Integer> inner = new Vector<Integer>();
                //add k to vector
            for (int l =0; l < subsets.size(); l++) {
                int sum = subsets.elementAt(k);
                if (sum == target) {
                    //creates new inner vector for values that sum up to target
                    Vector<Integer> inner = new Vector<Integer>();
                    //add l,k to vector
                else {
        //return combinations that add up to target in vector form
        return outer;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //calls sumation constructor
        Sumation s = new Sumation();
        s.subsetSum(subsets, target);
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The combinations that equal to "+target+" are \n"+outer, "Vector", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

1 回答 1



如果您手头有调试器(即 IDE),那么分析此类问题非常容易。根据您的喜好,您可以

  • 从头到尾逐步执行程序
  • 在抛出异常的行设置断点
  • 设置断点为NullPointerExceptions


即使您手头没有调试器,您也可以println每隔一段时间(并且绝对是在异常行之前)放入语句,以便查看值是什么 - 一个穷人的调试器。

但说真的,如果您要进行任何重要的 Java 开发,请设置一个真正的调试器。如果需要 5-20 分钟,并且在您第一次必须调查此类问题时会为您节省更多。

无论如何,问题是由于您从未向该字段分配任何内容这一事实引起的subsets,所以null当您将它传递给subsetSumin 时main

这可能是因为方法中的subset局部变量会getSubsets影响它 - 如果您希望该方法修改该字段,那么您就错了。但是,无论如何,这将是不好的做法(恕我直言),因为在递归方法中像这样改变状态很容易出错,即使正确也会让人很难在任何时候推理类(因为你' d 需要知道它处于什么状态)。将结果分配给字段是初学者的常见错误(可能是因为它感觉更面向对象?),当更好的选择是让方法返回其结果时,通常将其存储在局部变量中。


(我注意到这些类型并不完全兼容——你确定参数不subsetSum应该是 a Vector<Vector<Integer>>too?目前看起来你只能传入一个子集。但那是另一回事。)

于 2011-10-20T10:33:06.820 回答