To achive the structure you want, after create the new Team Project, you have to perform a Baseless Merge. Baseless merge is used to merge branches that don´t have relationship. After you perform a baselees merge, Tfs will establishe a relationship between the branches.
Note: In the "View Hierarchy" window you won´t be able to see the connection link between the branches, but througth the "Source Control Merge Wizard", you will be able to select the branch and merge.
In your case, you can perform a baselees merge between "xxx2/Main" and "xxx2/Developement/Developement" and another one between "xxx2/Main" and "xxx2/Release/Release". After performing the baseless merge, TFS will create the relationship between the branches, and you´ll get your structure.
编辑 1:“源代码管理合并向导”== 在“源代码管理资源管理器”中 > 右键单击所需的分支 > 合并和合并 > 合并。在“目标分支”中,您将能够选择分支。