I have two Android Library Projects in Eclipse (yes, "Is library" is selected in both of them). One of those is ActionBarSherlock, the other one is ViewPagerIndicator

Now, ViewPagerIndicator must include ActionBarSherlock as a library dependence, so I add it under the "Android" settings of the project. Problem is, in the moment I add the library dependence, if I go to Java Build Path of the same project I can see that the dependence .jar of the added library is required but not present (of course, as it is a library project, no jars are created!).

What can be the problem? Furthermore, I have to add both libraries as dependences to an Android application, which presents the same issue.


1 回答 1


你用的是 ADT14 吗?如果是这样,您可能需要将库项目迁移到新结构。右键单击库项目,然后从 Android 工具菜单中选择“修复项目属性”。

于 2011-10-19T15:48:36.603 回答