We would like to run a wireless access point for public use. However, in case of misbehavior, we would like some personal information to be able to pass on to law enforcement.

The proposed solution involves a captive portal where users enter their email addresses, and are then given ten minutes to check their email and verify, after which they are given unrestricted access.

The problem, as I see it, is that once a user is authenticated, anyone can come along, spoof the MAC or IP, and then have access. If they commit a crime or copyright infringement, the user who entered the email address is now blamed.

Now, we could solve that by using WPA and requiring users to preregister. But as I said, we would like to allow anyone to just drive up and use it, and we don't want to provide any technical support.

The other alternative is not collecting email addresses, but then in case of an investigation or lawsuit, we wouldn't have anything to hand over, and thus risk the possibility of being shut down.

Is there any way out of this dilemma?


3 回答 3



于 2009-04-24T11:56:06.470 回答

让最终用户接受法律免责声明,即您(提供者)不负责,他们(最终用户)负责,他们不应该做非法的事情通常就足够了。只需记录他们当时点击了“我同意”以及他们的 IP 和 MAC。他们每次连接时都应该这样做。

索要电子邮件基本上毫无价值;许多人会使用编造的电子邮件,或输入拼写错误,然后抱怨他们从未收到过 - 许多人会使用一次性电子邮件 - 许多人会使用他们在免费网络邮件提供商之一创建的垃圾帐户。

向他们的手机发送带有唯一(随机)代码的 TXT 消息并在强制门户页面上输入以获得访问权限的系统是一个更好的系统恕我直言。我以前做过这个,它工作正常,除了那些有妈妈的 iPad 或其他平板电脑但没有手机的孩子。您将所有这些数据保存 90 多天,或者您的律师告诉您的时间。


大多数强制门户产品可以记录每个客户获得的 MAC 和 IP 租约,以及他们在 Internet 上的去向(至少我是这样做的),因此如果出现法律请求,您可以向执法部门提供您拥有的数据。然后由执法部门使用该 MAC 偷取或追踪设备,这取决于他们的能力水平,这对他们来说是可能的还是不可能的,无论哪种方式,为他们做他们的工作都不是你的工作。


您的公共无线网络至少应该被 NAT 到一个单独的静态 IP,因此您可以区分引用该 IP 的法律请求,而不是说您的私人办公网络。您可以使用单独的防火墙或支持多个 LAN 接口的防火墙来执行此操作。

于 2013-07-24T14:15:31.583 回答


于 2009-10-25T21:21:21.193 回答