My purpose is simple, to find a sample which is just enough for my usage other than reading a long page sample. :-)

My requirement is very simple, just embed a Silverlight player into web browser to play some specific videos, the videos are hosted on an IIS server, some are wmv format and some others are flash format.

Any quick to reference samples? :-)

thanks in advance, George


1 回答 1


下载 Expression Encoder 并从那里获取您想要的各种模板(它还能够自动发布到 silverlight.live.com 以进行流式传输,因此我们也可以处理视频托管的负担 - 免费!:)


Scott Barnes / Rich Platforms 产品经理 / Microsoft。

于 2009-05-02T04:16:47.240 回答