我正在使用 John Burkardt 的CONTRAST2_SPMD的修改版本在大型灰度图像上运行 3x3 方差计算。这样做的好处是我可以使用 PCT 在我的本地机器上使用 8 个内核,但是我想更改窗口大小(目前是 3x3),但我想尝试几个窗口大小。我将如何修改下面的代码以允许可变窗口大小?(我将使用奇数的方形窗口,例如 3x3、5x5、7x7、9x9 等)
function y = parwinvar ( x )
%% PARWINVAR uses MATLAB's SPMD command for parallel windowed variance.
% Discussion:
% Calculates windowed standard deviation (squared to get variance).
% Based on CONTRAST2_SPMD by John Burkardt.
% Parameters:
% Input, image X, the initial black and white image.
% Output, image Y, the contrast-enhanced black and white image.
% Open the matlabpool
matlabpool open local 8
% Check image is grayscale, if not covert it
if ndims(x)>2
% Since the image is black and white, it is a 2D array.
% Hence, it will be distributed by columns.
xd = distributed ( x );
% Have each worker enhance the contrast in its portion of the picture.
% You will see lots of meaningless error messages, because NLFILTER
% wants to put out a "waitbar" telling you to wait. But the workers
% don't have an associated display.
xl = getLocalPart ( xd );
% In order to use LABSENDRECEIVE, we need to reference the previous
% and next labindex.
if ( labindex ~= 1 )
previous = labindex - 1;
previous = numlabs;
if ( labindex ~= numlabs )
next = labindex + 1;
next = 1;
% Each worker sends its first column to the previous worker,
% and receives corresponding data from the next worker.
column = labSendReceive ( previous, next, xl(:,1) );
if ( labindex < numlabs )
xl = [ xl, column ];
% Each worker sends its last column to the next worker,
% and receives corresponding data from the previous worker.
column = labSendReceive ( next, previous, xl(:,end) );
if ( 1 < labindex )
xl = [ column, xl ];
% Now do the enhancement.
% We can only do a 3x3 neighborhood, because we're only sending
% one column to the left and right.
xl = nlfilter ( xl, [3,3], @std2 );
% Now strip off the extra columns.
if ( 1 < labindex )
xl = xl(:,2:end);
if ( labindex < numlabs )
xl = xl(:,1:end-1);
xl = uint8 ( xl );
% We are working with a black and white image, so we can simply
% concatenate the submatrices to get the whole object.
y = [ xl{:} ];
y = (y .* y); % square to get variance
% Close matlabpool
matlabpool close