I can't find a standalone system that I can use for user management (authentication,authorization, register, password reminders...).

The closest it gets is using Symfony and FOSUserBundle but because it's a Symfony Bundle it seem to be dependant on the framework. Is there a way to separate these or at least to load only few components of symfony?

I've used symfony before and I like it; I just don't need the entire framework for the current project.

I couldn't find other solutions.


2 回答 2


老实说,大多数项目都有自定义需求。即使使用 FOSUserBundle 之类的东西,您也必须重新实现或编辑其中的很大一部分。


于 2011-10-26T23:43:19.423 回答

您可以尝试https://github.com/symfony/Security它的 Symfony2 组件,但可以“独立”使用。

来自 composer.json 文件的依赖 (https://github.com/symfony/Security/blob/master/composer.json#L19-24)

"symfony/event-dispatcher": ">=2.1",
"symfony/http-foundation": ">=2.1",
"symfony/http-kernel": ">=2.1"
于 2011-10-24T12:47:54.540 回答