我们在单独的服务器上使用 WebSphere Portal 7 和 WCM 7。我们已经设置了 WSRP,以便我们可以在 Portal 服务器上呈现 WCM 内容。我遇到的问题是 JSR 286 Web 内容查看器的推荐设置(用于关闭动态链接广播功能)会破坏页面其余部分的链接。如果我打开该功能,则其他链接可以工作,但 WCM 内容中的链接会失败。所有本地链接(到其他虚拟门户或映射的 URL)都被重写(由门户)以通过 WsrpProxyPortlet,即使没有必要这样做。

有没有一种方法可以在 Portal 7 和 WCM 7 上使用远程呈现,以便可以在同一页面上使用 WCM 和自定义 portlet,并且来自和到的链接都仍然有效?


| Broadcast links to    | Receive links from    | Portal | WCM  | Comment                               |
|                       | Other portlets and    | No     | Yes  | Portal links to the page with this    |
|                       | this portlet          |        |      | setting do not work                   |
| Dynamically select a  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Web content page      | This portlet only     | Yes    | No   | WCM Links do not work at all          |
|                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | None                  | Yes    | No   | WCM Links do not work at all          |
|                       | Other portlets and    | No     | Yes  | Portal links to the page with this    |
|                       | this portlet          |        |      | setting do not work                   |
| This portal page      +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | This portlet only     | Yes    | No   | WCM Links do not work at all          |
|                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | None                  | Yes    | No   | WCM Links do not work at all          |
|                       | Other portlets and    | No     | Yes* | Portal links to this page do not work.|
|                       | this portlet          |        |      | WCM and Portal links on this page     |
|                       |                       |        |      | works, once you get to it.            |
| The following portal  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| page                  | This portlet only     | Yes    | No   | WCM Links do not work at all          |
|                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | None                  | No*    | No   | Portal links only work if in the      |
|                       |                       |        |      | same context                          |
|                       | Other portlets and    | No*    | No*  | Neither Portal, nor WCM, links to the |
|                       | this portlet          |        |      | page work as they should. You can     |
|                       |                       |        |      | only get to the page through a        |
|                       |                       |        |      | sequence of other pages. Once you get |
|                       |                       |        |      | to it WCM links work, but links to    |
| None                  |                       |        |      | other Portal pages break.             |
|                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | This portlet only     | No     | No   | No way to get to this page.           |
|                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                       | None                  | No*    | No   | Portal links to the page work, but    |
|                       |                       |        |      | links from the page do not.           |

1 回答 1


Hint: Point your browser to the WCM server, at path /wps/wcm/myconnect/WCM-library/content-path/. Get example paths by previewing content items. Remote rendering is just asking that servlet for content, using http client and passing the LTPA cookie. You can also quickly rewrite the links to be parameters to your portlets (or other portlets - on other portal pages) - on the fly.

That's how IBM used to implement the official remote rendering portlet (available still at least on 6.1), and it's quite easy to build yourself if you can't find the actual non-wsrp remote rendering portlet anymore.

于 2011-10-19T16:38:28.860 回答