我正在从动态提取的数据中克隆一个<li>模板和一个后续<div>模板(链接到该模板)。<li>创建列表后,我可以使用以下命令刷新 s-scrollwrapper: $ ('#rlist').data('iscroll').refresh(); 这很棒。但是,当涉及到模板时,我无法让它们中的每一个都刷新。我试过上面的方法 jQT.setPageHeight(); 来自链接的 onClick 方法<li>和每个方法<div>被创建的时间。我什至尝试将一个新的 s-scrollwrapper 附加到已经形成<divs>的中,但似乎都不起作用。

    function loadInfo(){ 
fillRedSection(availableArray, $('#entryTemplate')); 
//Tried ways to refresh scroll of the cloned divs...nothing seems to 

function fillRedSection(arr, template){ 
  //iterating through the JSON data 
  for (i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){ 
        var dataLocation = arr;  //Data arr 
        var row = dataLocation[i].id;  //id# coming with JSON data 
        var newEntryRow = template.clone(); //cloned <li> template 
from HTML 
        newEntryRow.removeAttr('style'); //removing hidden style 
        newEntryRow.attr('id', 'red-label'+row); //renaming the <li> 
id with the id from JSON 
        newEntryRow.attr('class', 'arrow'); //JQT class 
        newEntryRow.appendTo('#redlist ul'); //placing cloned <li> 
into ul 
        newEntryRow.find('a').attr('href','#red-'+row);//renaming href 
so it will link to the cloned <div> 
            var newEntryDetails = $('#red-description').clone(true, 
true);//cloning the div template 
            newEntryDetails.removeAttr('style');//removing hidden 
            newEntryDetails.attr('id', 'reds-'+row);//renaming id so 
the <li> href can link to it 
             //1 Possible attempt at adding the scroll class as each 
div is created 
             // Hopefully avoiding problem of cloned scrolls with the 
same id name 
            /*var newScroll = $('.tester'); 
            newScroll.attr('id', 'scroll-'+row); 
            newScroll.attr('class', 's-scrollwrapper');*/ 
            newEntryDetails.appendTo('#jqt'); //append cloned <div> to 
the main <#jqt> div. 
filling div from JSON 

//Attempt to refresh iScroll on the div that is being clicked on from 
the <li> 
//used onClick="refreshScroll() 
refreshScroll { 



1 回答 1


Thanks for using my code. Every ID in your HTML markup has to be unique or your JavaScript won't work. When you're coloring divs, you're also duplicating the div's ID. My code dynamically assigned the div with the .s-scrollwrapper class an ID based on the page's ID. Modifying the page's ID in your code should do the trick. Also include the following in your code to set everything up.

init_iScroll('<new page's div>');
于 2011-10-22T12:22:03.460 回答