背包问题是计算机科学中的经典。在其最简单的形式中,它涉及尝试将不同重量的物品装入背包,以便背包最终具有指定的总重量。你不需要适应所有的项目。例如,假设您希望您的背包正好重 20 磅,并且您有五件物品,重量分别为 11、8、7、6 和 5 磅。对于少量物品,人类非常擅长通过检查来解决这个问题。所以你大概可以算出,只有 8、7 和 5 的项目组合加起来是 20。
背包问题是计算机科学中的经典。在其最简单的形式中,它涉及尝试将不同重量的物品装入背包,以便背包最终具有指定的总重量。你不需要适应所有的项目。例如,假设您希望您的背包正好重 20 磅,并且您有五件物品,重量分别为 11、8、7、6 和 5 磅。对于少量物品,人类非常擅长通过检查来解决这个问题。所以你大概可以算出,只有 8、7 和 5 的项目组合加起来是 20。
当您不拿该项目时,您将 if 从您的清单中删除,但您不会减少容量。
Calling 11 8 7 6 5 with cap: 20
+Calling 8 7 6 5 with cap: 20
| Calling 7 6 5 with cap: 20
| Calling 6 5 with cap: 20
| Calling 5 with cap: 20
| Result: 5
| Calling 5 with cap: 14
| Result: 5
| Result: 11
| Calling 6 5 with cap: 13
| Calling 5 with cap: 13
| Result: 5
| Calling 5 with cap: 7
| Result: 5
| Result: 11
| Result: 18
| Calling 7 6 5 with cap: 12
| Calling 6 5 with cap: 12
| Calling 5 with cap: 12
| Result: 5
| Calling 5 with cap: 6
| Result: 5
| Result: 11
| Calling 6 5 with cap: 5
| Calling 5 with cap: 5
| Result: 5
| Result: 5
| Result: 12
+Result: 20
Calling 8 7 6 5 with cap: 9
Calling 7 6 5 with cap: 9
Calling 6 5 with cap: 9
Calling 5 with cap: 9
Result: 5
Calling 5 with cap: 3
Result: 0
Result: 6
Calling 6 5 with cap: 2
Calling 5 with cap: 2
Result: 0
Result: 0
Result: 7
Calling 7 6 5 with cap: 1
Calling 6 5 with cap: 1
Calling 5 with cap: 1
Result: 0
Result: 0
Result: 0
Result: 8
Result: 20
我故意展示了对容量为 20 的 [8 7 6 5] 的调用,结果为 20 (8 + 7 + 5)。
请注意,[8 7 6 5] 被调用了两次:一次容量为 20(因为我们没有占用 11),一次容量为 9(因为确实占用了 11)。
11 未占用,调用容量为 20 的 [8 7 6 5]
8 个被占用,调用 [7 6 5] 容量为 12 (20 - 8)
7 个被占用,调用 [6 5] 容量为 5 (12 - 7)
6 个未占用,调用容量为 5 的 [5]
5 采取,我们在零。
Java 中的实际方法只需要几行代码。
private int ukp( final int[] ar, final int cap ) {
if ( ar.length == 1 ) {
return ar[0] <= cap ? ar[0] : 0;
} else {
final int[] nar = new int[ar.length-1];
System.arraycopy(ar, 1, nar, 0, nar.length);
fint int item = ar[0];
if ( item < cap ) {
final int left = ... // fill me: we're not taking the item
final int took = ... // fill me: we're taking the item
return Math.max(took,left);
} else {
return ... // fill me: we're not taking the item
我必须为我的作业做这个,所以我测试了所有上述代码(Python 代码除外),但它们都不适用于所有极端情况。
static int[] values = new int[] {894, 260, 392, 281, 27};
static int[] weights = new int[] {8, 6, 4, 0, 21};
static int W = 30;
private static int knapsack(int i, int W) {
if (i < 0) {
return 0;
if (weights[i] > W) {
return knapsack(i-1, W);
} else {
return Math.max(knapsack(i-1, W), knapsack(i-1, W - weights[i]) + values[i]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(knapsack(values.length - 1, W));}
它没有优化,递归会杀死你,但你可以使用简单的记忆来解决这个问题。为什么我的代码简短、正确且易于理解?我刚刚检查了 0-1 背包问题的数学定义http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem#Dynamic_programming
为简单起见,该问题基本上是经典背包问题的修改版本(没有与权重相对应的值/好处)(实际上:http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem,0/1 Knapsack - 一些澄清Wiki的伪代码,如何理解背包问题是NP完全的?,为什么背包问题是伪多项式?,http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dynamic-programming-set-10-0-1-knapsack-problem /)。
以下是在 c# 中解决此问题的五个版本:
版本1:使用动态编程(制表 - 通过急切地为所有求和问题找到解决方案以达到最终问题) - O(n * W)
版本 2:使用 DP 但记忆化版本(懒惰 - 只是为需要的任何东西寻找解决方案)
版本 3使用递归演示重叠子问题和最优子结构
版本 4 Recursive (brute force) - 基本接受的答案
版本 5使用 #4 堆栈(演示删除尾递归)
版本1:使用动态编程(制表 - 通过急切地为所有求和问题找到解决方案以达到最终问题) - O(n * W)
public bool KnapsackSimplified_DP_Tabulated_Eager(int[] weights, int W)
this.Validate(weights, W);
bool[][] DP_Memoization_Cache = new bool[weights.Length + 1][];
for (int i = 0; i <= weights.Length; i++)
DP_Memoization_Cache[i] = new bool[W + 1];
for (int i = 1; i <= weights.Length; i++)
for (int w = 0; w <= W; w++)
/// f(i, w) determines if weight 'w' can be accumulated using given 'i' number of weights
/// f(i, w) = False if i <= 0
/// OR True if weights[i-1] == w
/// OR f(i-1, w) if weights[i-1] > w
/// OR f(i-1, w) || f(i-1, w-weights[i-1])
if(weights[i-1] == w)
DP_Memoization_Cache[i][w] = true;
DP_Memoization_Cache[i][w] = DP_Memoization_Cache[i - 1][w];
if (w > weights[i - 1])
DP_Memoization_Cache[i][w] = DP_Memoization_Cache[i - 1][w - weights[i - 1]];
return DP_Memoization_Cache[weights.Length][W];
版本 2:使用 DP 但记忆版本(懒惰 - 只是为需要的东西寻找解决方案)
/// <summary>
/// f(i, w) determines if weight 'w' can be accumulated using given 'i' number of weights
/// f(i, w) = False if i < 0
/// OR True if weights[i] == w
/// OR f(i-1, w) if weights[i] > w
/// OR f(i-1, w) || f(i-1, w-weights[i])
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rowIndexOfCache">
/// Note, its index of row in the cache
/// index of given weifhts is indexOfCahce -1 (as it starts from 0)
/// </param>
bool KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(int[] weights, int w, int i_rowIndexOfCache, bool?[][] DP_Memoization_Cache)
if(i_rowIndexOfCache < 0)
return false;
return DP_Memoization_Cache[i_rowIndexOfCache][w].Value;
int i_weights_index = i_rowIndexOfCache - 1;
if (weights[i_weights_index] == w)
//we can just use current weight, so no need to call other recursive methods
//just return true
DP_Memoization_Cache[i_rowIndexOfCache][w] = true;
return true;
//see if W, can be achieved without using weights[i]
bool flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights,
w, i_rowIndexOfCache - 1);
DP_Memoization_Cache[i_rowIndexOfCache][w] = flag;
if (flag)
return true;
if (w > weights[i_weights_index])
//see if W-weight[i] can be achieved with rest of the weights
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights,
w - weights[i_weights_index], i_rowIndexOfCache - 1);
DP_Memoization_Cache[i_rowIndexOfCache][w] = flag;
return flag;
public bool KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(int[] weights, int W)
this.Validate(weights, W);
//note 'row' index represents the number of weights been used
//note 'colum' index represents the weight that can be achived using given
//number of weights 'row'
bool?[][] DP_Memoization_Cache = new bool?[weights.Length+1][];
for(int i = 0; i<=weights.Length; i++)
DP_Memoization_Cache[i] = new bool?[W + 1];
for(int w=0; w<=W; w++)
if(i != 0)
DP_Memoization_Cache[i][w] = null;
//can't get to weight 'w' using none of the given weights
DP_Memoization_Cache[0][w] = false;
DP_Memoization_Cache[i][0] = false;
bool f = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(
weights, w: W, i_rowIndexOfCache: weights.Length, DP_Memoization_Cache: DP_Memoization_Cache);
Assert.IsTrue(f == DP_Memoization_Cache[weights.Length][W]);
return f;
版本 3识别重叠子问题和最优子结构
/// <summary>
/// f(i, w) = False if i < 0
/// OR True if weights[i] == w
/// OR f(i-1, w) if weights[i] > w
/// OR f(i-1, w) || f(i-1, w-weights[i])
/// </summary>
public bool KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(int[] weights, int W, int i)
//no more weights to traverse
return false;
if(weights[i] == W)
//we can just use current weight, so no need to call other recursive methods
//just return true
return true;
//see if W, can be achieved without using weights[i]
bool flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights,
W, i - 1);
return true;
if(W > weights[i])
//see if W-weight[i] can be achieved with rest of the weights
return this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, W - weights[i], i - 1);
return false;
public bool KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(int[] weights, int W)
this.Validate(weights, W);
bool f = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, W,
i: weights.Length - 1);
return f;
版本 4蛮力
private bool KnapsackSimplifiedProblemRecursive(int[] weights, int sum, int currentSum, int index, List<int> itemsInTheKnapsack)
if (currentSum == sum)
return true;
if (currentSum > sum)
return false;
if (index >= weights.Length)
return false;
bool flag = KnapsackSimplifiedProblemRecursive(weights, sum, currentSum: currentSum + weights[index],
index: index + 1, itemsInTheKnapsack: itemsInTheKnapsack);
if (!flag)
flag = KnapsackSimplifiedProblemRecursive(weights, sum, currentSum, index + 1, itemsInTheKnapsack);
return flag;
public bool KnapsackRecursive(int[] weights, int sum, out List<int> knapsack)
if(sum <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("sum should be +ve non zero integer");
knapsack = new List<int>();
bool fits = KnapsackSimplifiedProblemRecursive(weights, sum, currentSum: 0, index: 0,
itemsInTheKnapsack: knapsack);
return fits;
版本 5:使用堆栈的迭代版本(注意 - 相同的复杂性 - 使用堆栈 - 去除尾递归)
public bool KnapsackIterativeUsingStack(int[] weights, int sum, out List<int> knapsack)
sum.Throw("sum", s => s <= 0);
weights.Throw("weights", w => (w.Length == 0)
|| w.Any(wi => wi < 0));
var knapsackIndices = new List<int>();
knapsack = new List<int>();
Stack<KnapsackStackNode> stack = new Stack<KnapsackStackNode>();
stack.Push(new KnapsackStackNode() { sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack = 0, nextItemIndex = 1 });
stack.Push(new KnapsackStackNode() { sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack = weights[0], nextItemIndex = 1, includesItemAtCurrentIndex = true });
while(stack.Count > 0)
var top = stack.Peek();
if(top.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack == sum)
int count = 0;
foreach(var index in knapsackIndices)
var w = weights[index];
count += w;
Debug.Assert(count == sum);
return true;
//basically either of the below three cases, we dont need to traverse/explore adjuscent
// nodes further
if((top.nextItemIndex == weights.Length) //we reached end, no need to traverse
|| (top.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack > sum) // last added node should not be there
|| (top.alreadyExploredAdjuscentItems)) //already visted
if (top.includesItemAtCurrentIndex)
Debug.Assert(knapsackIndices.Contains(top.nextItemIndex - 1));
knapsackIndices.Remove(top.nextItemIndex - 1);
var node1 = new KnapsackStackNode();
node1.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack = top.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack;
node1.nextItemIndex = top.nextItemIndex + 1;
var node2 = new KnapsackStackNode();
node2.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack = top.sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack + weights[top.nextItemIndex];
node2.nextItemIndex = top.nextItemIndex + 1;
node2.includesItemAtCurrentIndex = true;
top.alreadyExploredAdjuscentItems = true;
return false;
class KnapsackStackNode
public int sumOfWeightsInTheKnapsack;
public int nextItemIndex;
public bool alreadyExploredAdjuscentItems;
public bool includesItemAtCurrentIndex;
public void KnapsackSimpliedProblemTests()
int[] weights = new int[] { 7, 5, 4, 4, 1 };
List<int> bag = null;
bool flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 10, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 3);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 3, knapsack: out bag);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 7, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 1, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Tabulated_Eager(weights, 10);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Tabulated_Eager(weights, 3);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Tabulated_Eager(weights, 7);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Tabulated_Eager(weights, 1);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(weights, 10);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(weights, 3);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(weights, 7);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_DP_Memoization_Lazy(weights, 1);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, 10);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, 3);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, 7);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplified_OverlappedSubPromblems_OptimalSubstructure(weights, 1);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 10, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 3);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 3, knapsack: out bag);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 7, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 1, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
weights = new int[] { 11, 8, 7, 6, 5 };
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 20, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 3);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 27, knapsack: out bag);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 11, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackSimplifiedProblemIterativeUsingStack(weights, 5, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 20, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 3);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 27, knapsack: out bag);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 11, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
flag = this.KnapsackRecursive(weights, 5, knapsack: out bag);
Assert.IsTrue(bag.Count == 1);
这是一个简单的递归实现(效率不高,但易于遵循)。它在 Python 中,OP 要求提供 Java 实现,但是将其移植到 Java 应该不会太难,就像看伪代码一样。
主函数声明了三个参数:V 是一个值数组,W 是一个权重数组,C 是背包的容量。
def knapsack(V, W, C):
return knapsack_aux(V, W, len(V)-1, C)
def knapsack_aux(V, W, i, aW):
if i == -1 or aW == 0:
return 0
elif W[i] > aW:
return knapsack_aux(V, W, i-1, aW)
return max(knapsack_aux(V, W, i-1, aW),
V[i] + knapsack_aux(V, W, i-1, aW-W[i]))
public class Knapsack {
public int[] arr = {11,8,7,6,5};
public int[] retArr = new int[5];
int i = 0;
public boolean problem(int sum, int pick) {
if(pick == arr.length) {
return false;
if(arr[pick] < sum) {
boolean r = problem(sum - arr[pick], pick+1);
if(!r) {
return problem(sum, pick+1);
} else {
retArr[i++] = arr[pick];
return true;
} else if (arr[pick] > sum) {
return problem(sum, pick+1);
} else {
retArr[i++] = arr[pick];
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Knapsack rk = new Knapsack`enter code here`();
if(rk.problem(20, 0)) {
System.out.println("Success " );
for(int i=0; i < rk.retArr.length; i++)
Java 中的另一个动态编程实现。我一直觉得使用 memoization 的 top-down DP 比 bottom up DP 更容易理解。
完整、不言自明、可运行的代码,使用来自 Wikipedia 的此示例中的数据:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Knapsack {
private static final List<Item> ITEMS = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Map<Integer, Bag> CACHE = new HashMap<>();
private static final boolean FINITE_ITEMS = true; //whether an item can be added more than once
public static void main(String[] args) {
ITEMS.add(new Item(4, 12, "GREEN"));
ITEMS.add(new Item(2, 2, "CYAN"));
ITEMS.add(new Item(2, 1, "GREY"));
ITEMS.add(new Item(1, 1, "ORANGE"));
ITEMS.add(new Item(10, 4, "YELLOW"));
Bag best = bestBagForCapa(15);
public static Bag bestBagForCapa(int capa) {
if (CACHE.containsKey(capa)) return CACHE.get(capa);
if (capa < 0) return null;
if (capa == 0) return new Bag(0, 0);
int currentWeight = -1;
int currentValue = -1;
String newItem = null;
List<String> previousItems = null;
for (Item p : ITEMS) {
Bag previous = bestBagForCapa(capa - p.weight);
if (previous == null) continue;
int weightSoFar = previous.weight;
int valueSoFar = previous.value;
int nextBestValue = 0;
Item candidateItem = null;
for (Item candidate : ITEMS) {
if (FINITE_ITEMS && previous.alreadyHas(candidate)) continue;
if (weightSoFar + candidate.weight <= capa && nextBestValue < valueSoFar + candidate.value) {
candidateItem = candidate;
nextBestValue = valueSoFar + candidate.value;
if (candidateItem != null && nextBestValue > currentValue) {
currentValue = nextBestValue;
currentWeight = weightSoFar + candidateItem.weight;
newItem = candidateItem.name;
previousItems = previous.contents;
if (currentWeight <= 0 || currentValue <= 0) throw new RuntimeException("cannot be 0 here");
Bag bestBag = new Bag(currentWeight, currentValue);
CACHE.put(capa, bestBag);
return bestBag;
class Item {
int value;
int weight;
String name;
Item(int value, int weight, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.weight = weight;
this.name = name;
class Bag {
List<String> contents = new ArrayList<>();
int weight;
int value;
boolean alreadyHas(Item item) {
return contents.contains(item.name);
public String toString() {
return "weight " + weight + " , value " + value + "\n" + contents.toString();
void add(List<String> name) {
Bag(int weight, int value) {
this.weight = weight;
this.value = value;
def knpsack(weight , value , k , index=0 , currweight=0):
return 0
take = 0
dontake = 0
if(currweight+weight[index] <= k):
take = value[index] +
dontake = knpsack(weight,value,k,index+1,currweight)
return max(take,dontake)
static int knapsack(int[] values, int[] weights, int W, int[] tab, int i) {
if(i>=values.length) return 0;
if(tab[W] != 0)
return tab[W];
int value1 = knapsack(values, weights, W, tab, i+1);
int value2 = 0;
if(W >= weights[i]) value2 = knapsack(values, weights, W-weights[i], tab, i+1) + values[i];
return tab[W] = (value1>value2) ? value1 : value2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] values = new int[] {894, 260, 392, 281, 27};
int[] weights = new int[] {8, 6, 4, 0, 21};
int W = 30;
int[] tab = new int[W+1];
System.out.println(knapsack(values, weights, W, tab, 0));
这是 Java 中一个简单的递归解决方案,但您应该尽可能避免使用递归。
public class Knapsack {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = new int[]{11, 8, 7, 6, 5};
public static boolean find( int[] arr,int total){
return find(arr,0,total);
private static boolean find( int[] arr,int start, int total){
if (start == arr.length){
return false;
int curr = arr[start];
if (curr == total){
return true;
}else if (curr > total || !find(arr,start+1,total-curr)){
return find(arr,start+1,total);
return true;