前面有几个警告,我假设您不是在这里处理 HID 设备,它们通常由操作系统处理。我也刚刚开始使用 32feet,我正在使用它来创建与蓝牙条码扫描仪上的串行端口服务的连接,因此可能有更好的方法可以满足您的需求,但这可能会为您指明正确的入门方向.
您需要配对设备,是的。如果您在 WinForms 应用程序中使用它,实际上您可以显示处理扫描设备并让您选择一个的表单,如下所示:
bool PairDevice()
using (var discoverForm = new SelectBluetoothDeviceDialog())
if (discoverForm.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)
// no device selected
return false;
BluetoothDeviceInfo deviceInfo = discoverForm.SelectedDevice;
if (!deviceInfo.Authenticated) // previously paired?
// TODO: show a dialog with a PIN/discover the device PIN
if (!BluetoothSecurity.PairDevice(deviceInfo.DeviceAddress, myPin))
// not previously paired and attempt to pair failed
return false;
// device should now be paired with the OS so make a connection to it asynchronously
var client = new BluetoothClient();
client.BeginConnect(deviceInfo.DeviceAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort, this.BluetoothClientConnectCallback, client);
return true;
void BluetoothClientConnectCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var client = (BluetoothClient)result.State;
// get the client's stream and do whatever reading/writing you want to do.
// if you want to maintain the connection then calls to Read() on the client's stream should block when awaiting data from the device
// when you're done reading/writing and want to close the connection or the device servers the connection control flow will resume here and you need to tidy up
void SetupListener()
var listener = new BluetoothListener(BluetoothService.SerialPort);
listener.BeginAcceptBluetoothClient(this.BluetoothListenerAcceptClientCallback, listener);
void BluetoothListenerAcceptClientCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var listener = (BluetoothListener)result.State;
// continue listening for other broadcasting devices
listener.BeginAcceptBluetoothClient(this.BluetoothListenerAcceptClientCallback, listener);
// create a connection to the device that's just been found
BluetoothClient client = listener.EndAcceptBluetoothClient();
// the method we're in is already asynchronous and it's already connected to the client (via EndAcceptBluetoothClient) so there's no need to call BeginConnect
// TODO: perform your reading/writing as you did in the first code sample
void ScanForBluetoothClients()
var client = new BluetoothClient();
BluetoothDeviceInfo[] availableDevices = client.DiscoverDevices(); // I've found this to be SLOW!
foreach (BluetoothDeviceInfo device in availableDevices)
if (!device.Authenticated)
var peerClient = new BluetoothClient();
peerClient.BeginConnect(deviceInfo.DeviceAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort, this.BluetoothClientConnectCallback, peerClient);