Hi Friends..
    I am try  to create a Device driver Application In X-Code, From This Link:- http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/KEXTConcept/KEXTConceptIOKit/iokit_tutorial.html I Got little bit Idea. Based on that I completed 

1)Create a New Project
    2)Edit the Information Property List
    3)Fill in the Header File
    4)Implement the Driver’s Entry Points.

    The Fifth Step is:  **Add Library Declarations**
    That mention like this .
    At this stage of creating your driver, you need to find out what those libraries are. The best way to do so is to run the kextlibs tool on your built kext and copy its output into your kext’s Info.plist file.

    But I a can't understand this lines,more over I can't fount $MyDriver/Build/Debug Folder. I opened Info.Plist file On Terminal I got Kext File . now I trying this in X-Code 4.

如果有人对此有任何想法,请提供一些提示.. 感谢您的重播


1 回答 1


请注意,只有在您为驱动程序实现代码并成功构建后,才能运行 kextlibs。一旦你做到了这一点,在 XCode 中:

  • 建立你的 kext
  • 在项目的文件树中,找到“产品”下的 kext
  • 打开一个终端窗口,键入kextlibs后跟一个空格。
  • 将 kext 从 XCode 拖放到终端窗口
  • 按 Enter ,几秒钟后你应该得到一些输出,如下所示:
        com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily = 1.6.3
        com.apple.kpi.bsd = 10.8
        com.apple.kpi.iokit = 10.8
        com.apple.kpi.libkern = 10.8
        com.apple.kpi.mach = 10.8

然后将这些库标识符和版本添加到 Info.plist 并重新构建。请注意,如果您希望 kext 在旧版本的 Mac OS X 上运行,而不是在运行的系统上运行,则需要提供旧版本的库。(理想情况下,通过在您支持的最旧版本上运行 kextlibs)

于 2011-10-29T11:22:24.730 回答