我正在尝试在 VB6 中用 java 实现这个礼物包装算法(yoshihitoyagi!)。我很确定我已经正确地做到了这一点,但由于某种原因,它不起作用。返回的数组只有 1 个元素。我希望有人可以看看(一双新的眼睛),让我知道我是否明显遗漏了什么。
Function small(ByVal Current As Integer, ByVal smallest As Integer, ByVal i As Integer) As Boolean
Dim xa, ya, xb, yb, val As Integer
xa = xPoints(smallest) - xPoints(Current)
xb = xPoints(i) - xPoints(Current)
ya = yPoints(smallest) - yPoints(Current)
yb = yPoints(i) - yPoints(Current)
val = xa * yb - xb * ya
If val > 0 Then
small = True
ElseIf val < 0 Then
small = False
If (xa * xb + ya * yb) < 0 Then
small = False
If (xa * xa + ya * ya) > (xb * xb + yb * yb) Then
small = True
small = False
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Sub CreateContours1()
Dim Min, i, num, smallest, Current, contourcount2 As Integer
Dim xPoints2(), yPoints2() As Long
'Find leftmost lowest point
Min = 1
For i = 1 To contourCount
If yPoints(i) = yPoints(Min) Then
If xPoints(i) < xPoints(Min) Then
Min = i
End If
ElseIf yPoints(i) < yPoints(Min) Then
Min = i
End If
Debug.Print "Min: " & Min
Current = Min
num = 1
contourcount2 = contourcount2 + 1
ReDim Preserve xPoints2(contourcount2)
ReDim Preserve yPoints2(contourcount2)
xPoints2(num) = xPoints(Current)
yPoints2(num) = yPoints(Current)
Debug.Print "num: " & num & ", current: " & Current & "(" & xPoints(Current) & ", " & yPoints(Current) & ")"
num = num + 1
smallest = 1
If smallest = Current Then
smallest = 1
End If
For i = 1 To contourCount
If (Current = i) Or (smallest = i) Then
GoTo continue_loop
End If
If small(Current, smallest, i) Then
smallest = i
End If
Current = smallest
Loop While Current <> Min
End Sub
我所有的数组都从 1 开始。因此,如果您看到 1 和 0 之间的任何差异,这就是原因。