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同样,这是用户生成的。它将显示在客户可以看到的屏幕上。我希望它在一定数量的像素内显示在一行上。它将在 Arial 中。



1 回答 1


If you know the font, font-size, and total width of the one line then you could just do a trial and error calculation (that is, enter characters until the end of the line).

Once you know that, you can check for the total # of characters on keyup and alert if that amount is reached.

For instance, as an example only, let's say you choose Arial 14px and you've tested it to see that 10 characters is about all that one line can hold. Then you can add something like this

    if($(this).val().length == 10){
        alert('You\'ve reached the limit');

Working Example: http://jsfiddle.net/uGDKn/

于 2011-10-12T03:24:55.330 回答