1)软件本身。 菜单、对话框、消息、标签、报告等。
First, consider placing the language translation management and generation logic (resource bundles, etc) in the Business Logic. So, for all your translations, you want a way to quickly sync all data entries as they get added to the system in all languages from a master language (english), and then populate and manage those. So, if you're using resource bundles for example, generate the rb files from a database for all the languages.
Second, publish the language translations logic at the presentation tier. It has more to do with presentation and formatting. You inevitably will run into issues with localization for dates, times, currencies, etc that you can handle pretty well here. You may or may not build your own library to publish these things as the confines, or flexibility of your programming language may or may not allow.
If you can give more details I'm sure there are other insights available from everyone here.
Good Luck!