我想在图中找到节点 1 和其余节点之间的节点连接性。输入文本文件格式如下:
1 2 1
1 35 1
8 37 1
依此类推,共 167 行。第一列代表源节点,第二列代表目标节点,最后一列代表边的权重。
from numpy import*
import networkx as nx
for row in file('out40.txt'):
row = row.split()
src = row[0]
dest = row[1]
#print src
G.add_edge(src, dest)
print src, dest
for i in range(2, 41):
if nx.bidirectional_dijkstra(G, 1, i): print "path exists from 1 to ", i
G.add_edge(1, 2)
工作,但很乏味,不适合像我这样的大型输入文件。当我手动添加边时 if 循环条件有效,但对上述代码抛出以下错误:
in neighbors_iter
raise NetworkXError("The node %s is not in the graph."%(n,))
networkx.exception.NetworkXError: The node 2 is not in the graph.