下面的代码是我编写的一个旧的 VB.Net 方法,用于根据配置文件值过滤用户。它可以稍作修改以完成您的任务。
Function FindUsers(ByVal prop As String, ByVal val As String) As List(Of ProfileCommon)
' Use a generic list of people
Dim peeps As New List(Of ProfileCommon)()
ViewState("prop") = prop
ViewState("val") = val
' Get all profile objects
Dim profiles As ProfileInfoCollection = ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption.All)
' Go through the profiles
For Each info As ProfileInfo In profiles
' We need to turn a ProfileInfo into a ProfileCommon
' to access the properties to do the search
Dim userProfile As ProfileCommon = ProfileCommon.Create(info.UserName)
If Roles.IsUserInRole(info.UserName, "Members Subscribers") Then
' If the birthday matches
If val <> "" Then
If prop <> "" AndAlso Left(userProfile.Item(prop), val.Length) = val Then
' Add them to our list
End If
End If
End If
If peeps.Count > 0 Then ShowUserDetails(peeps(0).UserName)
Return peeps
End Function