I'm trying to understand the best way to occasionally publish a feature branch into a preview branch for git. Here is my setup:

  1. Client asks for feature.
  2. I develop initial feature and publish to preview/testing site.
  3. Client provides feedback.
  4. I make more changes.
  5. Go to step 3 a few times.
  6. Client is good to go with feature
  7. Rebase feature into single commit pushed to production site.

Note that several different features may be developed at once and there is only one "preview" site where the client can see all these features as they are being developed. My git workflow currently.

git checkout -b new_feature
...hack hack hack...
git add .
git commit -m "WIP"
git checkout preview
git merge new_feature
... feedback and another feature got approved and merged with master ...
git checkout new_feature
git merge master
... hack hack hack...
git add .
git commit -m "WIP"
git checkout preview
git merge new_feature
... client approves work for release ....
git checkout new_feature
git rebase -i master
... squash all commits except the first which I reword with a good description...
git checkout master
git merge new_feature
git branch -d new_feature
git checkout preview
git merge master
git checkout master

So the end result:

  1. I was able to develop the feature in it's own isolated branch and control when it goes to production. It also is rolled up in production as a nice neat commit.
  2. The client can see the feature as I develop it and provide feedback. They can also see that feature along with other features I am developing simultaneously.
  3. The "preview" branch become a little messy as it gets both the "WIP" commits and the final rebased commit. But I don't mind that much as it is just for client preview and I can periodically delete the branch and re-create from master if I want.

My only problem is that I seem to get more conflicts than I would expect. I am thinking this is because staging is getting both the development commits and the final commit. I am also wonder if there is a better way to do this?


1 回答 1


您的工作流程似乎很好,除了我不喜欢在与 master 合并之前压缩您的功能分支中的所有提交。


当我合并时,我使用git merge --no-ff new_feature. 这会保留有关功能分支存在的信息,以便您一眼就能知道每个功能中的哪些提交:

git 合并 --no-ff

图片来源 -一个成功的 Git 分支模型

于 2011-10-10T15:32:39.107 回答