* A generic mix-in for permutations.
* <p>
* The <code>+</code> operator (and the apply function) is defined as the
* concatenation of this permutation and another permutation.
* This operator is called the group operator because it forms an algebraic
* group on the set of all moves.
* Note that this group is not abelian, that is the group operator is not
* commutative.
* <p>
* The <code>*</code> operator is the concatenation of a move with itself for
* <code>n</code> times, where <code>n</code> is an integer.
* This operator is called the scalar operator because the following subset(!)
* of the axioms for an algebraic module apply to it:
* <ul>
* <li>the operation is associative,
* that is (a*x)*y = a*(x*y)
* for any move a and any integers x and y.
* <li>the operation is a group homomorphism from integers to moves,
* that is a*(x+y) = a*x + a*y
* for any move a and any integers x and y.
* <li>the operation has one as its neutral element,
* that is a*1 = m for any move a.
* </ul>
* @param <P> The target type which represents the permutation resulting from
* mixing in this trait.
* @see Move3Spec for details of the specification.
trait Permutation[P <: Permutation[P]] { this: P =>
def identity: P
def *(that: Int): P
def +(that: P): P
def unary_- : P
final def -(that: P) = this + -that
final def unary_+ = this
def simplify = this
/** Succeeds iff `that` is another permutation with an equivalent sequence. */
/*final*/ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean // = code omitted
/** Is consistent with equals. */
/*final*/ override def hashCode: Int // = code omitted
// Lots of other stuff: The term string, the permutation sequence, the order etc.
object Permutation {
trait Identity[P <: Permutation[P]] extends Permutation[P] { this: P =>
final override def identity = this
// Lots of other stuff.
trait Product[P <: Permutation[P]] extends Permutation[P] { this: P =>
val perm: P
val scalar: Int
final override lazy val simplify = simplifyTop(perm.simplify * scalar)
// Lots of other stuff.
trait Sum[P <: Permutation[P]] extends Permutation[P] { this: P =>
val perm1, perm2: P
final override lazy val simplify = simplifyTop(perm1.simplify + perm2.simplify)
// Lots of other stuff.
trait Inverse[P <: Permutation[P]] extends Permutation[P] { this: P =>
val perm: P
final override lazy val simplify = simplifyTop(-perm.simplify)
// Lots of other stuff.
private def simplifyTop[P <: Permutation[P]](p: P): P = {
// This is the prelude required to make the extraction work.
type Pr = Product[_ <: P]
type Su = Sum[_ <: P]
type In = Inverse[_ <: P]
object Pr { def unapply(p: Pr) = Some(p.perm, p.scalar) }
object Su { def unapply(s: Su) = Some(s.perm1, s.perm2) }
object In { def unapply(i: In) = Some(i.perm) }
import Permutation.{simplifyTop => s}
// Finally, here comes the pattern matching and the transformation of the
// composed permutation term.
// See how expressive and concise the code is - this is where Scala really
// shines!
p match {
case Pr(Pr(a, x), y) => s(a*(x*y))
case Su(Pr(a, x), Pr(b, y)) if a == b => s(a*(x + y))
case Su(a, Su(b, c)) => s(s(a + b) + c)
case In(Pr(a, x)) => s(s(-a)*x)
case In(a) if a == a.identity => a.identity
// Lots of other rules
case _ => p
} ensuring (_ == p)
// Lots of other stuff
/** Here's a simple application of the mix-in. */
class Foo extends Permutation[Foo] {
import Foo._
def identity: Foo = Identity
def *(that: Int): Foo = new Product(this, that)
def +(that: Foo): Foo = new Sum(this, that)
lazy val unary_- : Foo = new Inverse(this)
// Lots of other stuff
object Foo {
private object Identity
extends Foo with Permutation.Identity[Foo]
private class Product(val perm: Foo, val scalar: Int)
extends Foo with Permutation.Product[Foo]
private class Sum(val perm1: Foo, val perm2: Foo)
extends Foo with Permutation.Sum[Foo]
private class Inverse(val perm: Foo)
extends Foo with Permutation.Inverse[Foo]
// Lots of other stuff
如您所见,解决方案是定义类型和提取器对象,它们是 simpleTop 方法的本地对象。
我还提供了一个小例子,说明如何将这种混合应用到类 Foo。正如你所看到的,Foo 只不过是一个生产其自身类型的组合排列的工厂。如果您有许多这样的类,而这些类原本不相关,那将是一个很大的好处。
但是,我无法抗拒地说 Scala 的类型系统非常复杂!我是一位经验丰富的 Java 库开发人员,对 Java 泛型非常精通。然而,我花了两天时间才弄清楚这六行代码以及三个类型和对象的定义!如果这不是出于教育目的,我会放弃这种方法。
现在,我很想预言由于这种复杂性,Scala 不会成为编程语言的下一个大热门。如果你是一个现在对 Java 泛型感到有点不舒服的 Java 开发人员(不是我),那么你会讨厌 Scala 的类型系统,因为它在 Java 泛型的概念中添加了不变量、协变和逆变,至少可以这么说。
总而言之,Scala 的类型系统似乎面向更多的科学家而不是开发人员。从科学的角度来看,推理程序的类型安全性很好。从开发人员的角度来看,弄清楚这些细节的时间是浪费的,因为它使它们远离程序的功能方面。
没关系,我肯定会继续使用 Scala。模式匹配、混入和高阶函数的组合太强大了,不容错过。但是,我觉得 Scala 如果没有过于复杂的类型系统,它会是一种更高效的语言。