我正在编写一个脚本以从访问表中获取一些数据并将其写入 Excel 表。在此过程中,我正在尝试格式化 excal 表。我已将 excel 表的输出粘贴到我的脚本下方。
在以下脚本中,我从访问表中提取数据并将其放入 excel 表中。它将第一列中的所有值(即所有 M1、所有 M20a 等)分组。第二列是以公顷为单位的相关面积。第三列是每个分组值的面积总和。
import arcpy, xlwt, sys, traceback, datetime
from arcpy import env
from xlwt import *
from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict
from time import strftime
# Set workspace for the file to be used
env.workspace = "Z:\TestFolder"
env.overwriteOutput = True
# Stores access table into a variable and sorts the SMU field ascendingly
cur = arcpy.SearchCursor("Access Table", "", "", "SMU", "SMU A")
# Create excel workbook
book = Workbook()
sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
# Create a dictionary
col_counts = defaultdict(int)
# Set a varialb eto be used in looping through rwos and detecting when the value in the cell is different from the last
last_value = object()
# Set the start of 2 counters. rowx is to count rows in the access table. rowadd is to add the values in a field alled row.SHAPE_Area
rowx = 3
rowadd = 0
# Loop through the access table
for row in cur:
# Ask if the current value is not equal to the last value in the row.SMU column
if row.SMU != last_value:
last_value = row.SMU
# if the current value doesn't equal the last value, then place the sum of the row.SHAPE_Area field for the last value in a new cell in a different column.
# Reset counter to 0
rowadd = 0
# Add 2 to the counter to create a space between groups of values in the excel table
rowx += 2
# Else only add 1 to the counter if the value in the cell reamisn the same as the last one
rowx += 1
# if the value of the row is the same as the last one, then add the values for a second column together and write to the excel sheet
if row.SMU == str(last_value):
rowadd += row.SHAPE_Area
print rowadd
# Set the counter to += the last value in the (col_counts[last_value]) variable and start over again
rowx += (col_counts[last_value])
# Save the workbook
下面是excel中的输出表。看到我没有在第三列中获得 ZWA 总面积。谁能建议这是为什么?我也想去掉第三列第一行的 0 。
M1 0.076492721
M1 0.406600839
M1 2.98016238
M20a 0.665489193
M21 0.005333282
M23b 0.190245719
M23b 0.233315779
S1 0.201021287
S1 0.176390376
S1 0.200409435
S1 0.009312814
S1 0.071782163
ZWA 0.387293182