...Not that I have anything against Cairo -- I love it in fact. It's just terribly difficult to install the Python bindings, especially on a Mac (see all the SO questions about installing pycairo on OS X). Are there better alternatives?


For a little more context, I'm creating a web service that I would like to be simple to deploy, ideally using standard installation channels; not being able to simply use pip or easy_install introduces complexity into the deployment process on many deployment platforms. Additionally, I'd like it to be easy for anyone to set up a virtual environment and do development on the application on their local machine. Again, ease of installation is an important point here.


2 回答 2


Kiva 是Enable的一部分,是一个抽象矢量渲染器的库。它支持 cairo、Agg 和其他几个渲染器,尽管 Agg 是默认的。它适用于 Linux、OS X 和 Windows。

于 2011-10-09T19:23:16.207 回答

cairocffi 使用 pip/virtualenv 干净地安装,并提供与 pycairo 相同的 API。 http://packages.python.org/cairocffi/

于 2013-01-08T12:14:56.483 回答