我正在尝试使用google api java client library检索 youtube 用户最喜欢的视频。这只是youtube-json-sample的一个调整。我基本上想做的是打印用户最喜欢的视频列表(特别是打印标题、更新、描述等)。我确实设法得到了这份清单——但问题是一切(标题、描述等)都是空的!这只发生在收藏夹中——我用搜索和查看次数最多的查询对其进行了测试,它确实有效。这种奇怪的行为只适用于收藏夹......这是我的代码:

private  void run() throws IOException {
        YouTubeClient client = new YouTubeClient();

    private VideoFeed showVideos(YouTubeClient client) throws IOException {

        TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
        View.header(textView, "Get Videos");
        YouTubeUrl url = YouTubeUrl.forVideosFeed();
        // execute GData request for the feed
        VideoFeed feed = client.executeGetVideoFeed(url);
        View.display(textView, feed);
        return feed;

public class YouTubeUrl extends GoogleUrl {

  /** Whether to pretty print HTTP requests and responses. */
  private static final boolean PRETTY_PRINT = true;

  static final String ROOT_URL = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api";

  YouTubeUrl(String encodedUrl) {
    this.alt = "jsonc";
    this.prettyprint = PRETTY_PRINT;

  private static YouTubeUrl root() {
    return new YouTubeUrl(ROOT_URL);

  public static YouTubeUrl forVideosFeed() {
    YouTubeUrl result = root();

    result.getPathParts().add("users"); //the URL is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/username/favorites?v=2
    result.getPathParts().add("liorash1"); //some user name

    return result;

public class YouTubeClient {

  private final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();

  private final HttpTransport transport = new NetHttpTransport();

  private final HttpRequestFactory requestFactory;

  public YouTubeClient() {
    final JsonCParser parser = new JsonCParser(jsonFactory);
    requestFactory = transport.createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {

      public void initialize(HttpRequest request) {
        // headers
        GoogleHeaders headers = new GoogleHeaders();
        headers.gdataVersion = "2";

  public VideoFeed executeGetVideoFeed(YouTubeUrl url) throws IOException {
    return executeGetFeed(url, VideoFeed.class);

  private <F extends Feed<? extends Item>> F executeGetFeed(YouTubeUrl url, Class<F> feedClass)
      throws IOException {
    HttpRequest request = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(url);
    return request.execute().parseAs(feedClass);

public class Item {

  String title;

  DateTime updated;

public class Video extends Item {

  String description;

  List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();

  Player player;


============== Get Videos ==============

Showing first 6 of 8 videos: 

Title: null
Updated: null

Title: null
Updated: null

Title: null
Updated: null

Title: null
Updated: null

Title: null
Updated: null

Title: null
Updated: null


经过一些测试后,我发现我可以获取我测试过的所有提要(包括用户上传的内容),除了收藏夹提要。问题很可能出在 JsonCParser 上:

return request.execute().parseAs(feedClass);

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