
CImg 库包括用于绘制具有任意线条图案的各种形状的功能。但我没有看到任何关于填充模式的信息。



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是的,多边形填充图案可以通过首先以纯色绘制多边形,然后使用 &= 运算符和预加载的黑白图案图像来实现。

// preload several pattern images (black and white versions of the desired fill patterns)
CImg<unsigned char> *fillPatternImages[ NumFillPatterns ] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
fillPatternImages[ 0 ] = new CImg<unsigned char>( "256x256_bw_dotted_fill.png" );
... etc. for all patterns you want to use

// create an empty image
CImg<unsigned char> image( 256, 256, 1, 4, 0 );

// draw the polygon (or in the case of my code, any number of polygons) on the image in a solid color
if ( nShapeType == SHPT_POLYGON && fillPattern != FILL_PATTERN_NONE )
  for( int i = 0 ; i < nShapeCount ; i++ )
    SHPObject *psShape;
    psShape = SHPReadObject( hSHP, panHits[ i ] );

    for ( int part = 0 ; part < psShape->nParts ; part++ )
      int numPoints;
      if ( part < ( psShape->nParts - 1 ) )
        numPoints = psShape->panPartStart[ part + 1 ] - psShape->panPartStart[ part ];
        numPoints = psShape->nVertices - psShape->panPartStart[ part ];
      CImg<int> pointImage( numPoints, 2, 1, 1, 0 );
      int s = psShape->panPartStart[ part ];
      for ( int p = 0 ; p < numPoints ; p++ )
        int screenX;
        int screenY;
        GetTileXYFromMercatorLonLat( (float)psShape->padfX[ s + p ], (float)psShape->padfY[ s + p ], x, y, z, &screenX, &screenY );
          pointImage( p, 0 ) = screenX;
          pointImage( p, 1 ) = screenY;
      image.draw_polygon( pointImage, fillColor );

    SHPDestroyObject( psShape );

// to achieve a non-solid pattern, & the image with a pre-loaded pattern image
if ( fillPattern > -1 )
  image &= *fillPatternImages[ fillPattern ];
于 2011-10-21T23:02:50.613 回答