6 回答
上帝的内存泄漏非常严重,所以我为我的 VPS 选择了 Monit。Monit 经常以大约 2MB 的 RAM 运行,而我在 Ruby 1.8.6 上运行的上帝安装在大约 36 小时内泄漏到大约 60MB 的 RAM。我不想监控我的系统监控工具,所以我放弃了上帝并转到 Monit 并且绝对没有问题。
上帝的配置文件是用 Ruby 编写的,所以你基本上可以做 Ruby 允许你做的所有事情,而且它有很多东西。Monit 必须使用自己的语法进行配置,通常没问题,但限制更多。无论如何,您也可以使用 Ruby 生成监控配置(作为部署策略的一部分)。
此外,monit 使用的资源更少,因此如果您使用 VPS 或只是没有任何备用内存,则 monit 可能是更好的选择。就个人而言,我更喜欢上帝,因为它更具可配置性。
- 它泄漏内存
- 停止和重新启动进程时遇到问题
The only real problem with monit (if its a problem) is that the configuration files can get a bit verbose if you're running large clusters, but this could be solved with a templating system.
甚至让上帝在我专用的 Ubuntu 服务器上运行我也遇到了很多问题。我最终只是放弃了。Monit 可能不是 Ruby,但它基本上没有麻烦。
To anyone finding this post going forward, you might also consider bluepill as an alternative to God. While I'd hope that God has addresses its memory issues in the past two years, I know bluepill was set out from the beginning to run on a small footprint. While still not as small as monit, bluepill's footprint is very reasonable (~16 MB VIRT, 13 MB RES for me).
Monit has its own issues:
- Empty PID files cause issues.
- If you have multiple levels of dependencies it starts up top level apps when lower level dependencies are started. This might be great for some use-cases, but its not particularly flexible.
At the moment I find it pretty annoying. Fortunately you can kinda kludge your way through the dependencies with their 'groups' feature, but its not particularly satisfying. Anyway, thats my take on v5.1.1