有没有人可以共享一个 .lldbinit 文件?查看定义的一些命令将非常有用,只是为了理解语法。
6311 次
2 回答
另一个例子可以在 GitHub https://github.com/search?q=lldbinit上找到。来自https://github.com/bsmt/lldbinit/blob/master/lldbinit的少数几个之一
# wish lldb supported colors :/
settings set prompt [lldb]$
# breakpoint shortcuts
# break on function/method/selector: b -n name
# break on C/C++ method: b -M method
# break on selector: b -S selector:here:
# break on address: b -a 0xfeedface
command alias b breakpoint set
command alias bd breakpoint disable
command alias be breakpoint enable
command alias bdel breakpoint delete
command alias bcommand breakpoint command add
command alias commands breakpoint command list
# jump aliases
# jump 0xfeedface
command alias jump register write pc
command alias jmp register write pc
command alias j register write pc
# fix p/s
# p/s rsi
command alias p/s register read
# fscript (cbf to fix fscript anywhere)
command alias f_init p (char)[[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/Library/Frameworks/FScript.framework"] load]
command alias f_start p (void)[FScriptMenuItem insertInMainMenu]
command alias return thread return
于 2014-07-31T08:04:00.430 回答
查看 lldb 存储库中的示例:
于 2012-02-20T22:43:46.027 回答