这是一个基本程序,用于获取两个 5 位数字作为字符串,并利用 '+' 上的运算符重载对 2 个数字使用加法。
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class IntStr
int InputNum;
IntStr::IntStr(int num);
IntStr operator+ (const IntStr &);
void Display();
IntStr::IntStr(int num)
InputNum = num;
void IntStr::Display()
cout << "Number is (via Display) : " << InputNum <<endl;
IntStr IntStr::operator+ (const IntStr & second) {
int add_result = InputNum + second.InputNum;
return IntStr(add_result);
int main()
string str;
bool option = true;
bool option2 = true;
while (option)
cout << "Enter the number : " ;
if (!getline(cin, str))
cerr << "Something went seriously wrong...\n";
istringstream iss(str);
int i;
iss >> i; // Extract an integer value from the stream that wraps str
if (!iss)
// Extraction failed (or a more serious problem like EOF reached)
cerr << "Enter a number dammit!\n";
else if (i < 10000 || i > 99999)
cerr << "Out of range!\n";
// Process i
//cout << "Stream is: " << iss << endl; //For debugging purposesc only
cout << "Number is : " << i << endl;
option = false;
IntStr obj1 = IntStr(i);
while (option2)
cout << "Enter the second number : " ;
if (!getline(cin, str))
cerr << "Something went seriously wrong...\n";
istringstream iss(str);
int i;
iss >> i; // Extract an integer value from the stream that wraps str
if (!iss) //------------------------------------------> (i)
// Extraction failed (or a more serious problem like EOF reached)
cerr << "Enter a number dammit!\n";
else if (i < 10000 || i > 99999)
cerr << "Out of range!\n";
// Process i
//cout << "Stream is: " << iss << endl; //For debugging purposes only
cout << "Number is : " << i << endl;
option2 = false;
IntStr obj2 = IntStr(i);
//IntStr Result = obj1 + obj2; // --------------------> (ii)
需要澄清上述代码中的 (i) 和 (ii) 点...
(1) (i) 实际上做了什么?
(2) (ii) -> 不编译.. 出现错误“obj1 未声明(首先使用此函数)”。这是因为 obj1 和 obj2 仅在 while 循环内声明吗?我如何在全球范围内访问它们?