我目前正在尝试在 DirectX10 中实现一个天穹,但我在尝试在线找到一个关于我如何去做的好教程时遇到了真正的问题。我什至浏览了在搜索功能中查找“DirectX10 skydomes”所获得的所有四页结果。
我目前正在尝试在 DirectX10 中实现一个天穹,但我在尝试在线找到一个关于我如何去做的好教程时遇到了真正的问题。我什至浏览了在搜索功能中查找“DirectX10 skydomes”所获得的所有四页结果。
SDKs for DirectX, Ogre3D and possibly also Scenix include demos with Sky-boxes and Sky-domes. Conceptually they're all very simple (use a large inward facing hemisphere or box and move the model with the camera (eye) position so that you never move relative to it). A quick Google yielded a tutorial in the Ogre3D wiki that goes into more detail about the concept http://ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Basic+Tutorial+3#Sky Basically the steps are: 1. Create a large hemisphere model (flip the normals to have it face inwards). 2. Map a "fish-eye" sky texture to it 3. Load and render it in DirectX with a non-lit shader (so that no shading is applied... just the sky texture).
关于如何在 DX10 和 11 中执行此操作的详细信息: http ://www.braynzarsoft.net/index.php?p=SkyMap