我最近播放了 h264 并遇到了类似的问题。这是我的拆包器课程。我写了一篇很长的博客文章来节省其他时间来理解这个过程http://cagneymoreau.com/stream-video-android/
Package networking;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import utility.Debug;
import java.io.Console;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PipedInputStream;
import java.io.PipedOutputStream;
import java.util.*;
* This class is used to re-assemble udp packets filled with rtp packets into network abstraction layer units
public class VideoDecoder {
private static final String TAG = "VideoDecoder";
private PipedOutputStream pipedOutputStream; //this is where we pass the nalus we extract
private Map<Integer, NaluBuffer> assemblyLine = new HashMap<>(); // This holds nalus we are building. Ideally only 1 and if it exceeds 3 there might be a problem
private final int thresh = 30;
private int assemblyThresh = thresh;
private final int trashDelay = 3000;
private final static int HEADER_SIZE = 12;
private final static int rtpByteHeader1 = 128; //rtp header byte 1 should always equal
private final static int typeSPSPPS = 24;
private final static byte typeFUA = 0b01111100;
private final static byte[] startcode = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
//experimental bools that can mix piped data
private boolean annexB = true; //remove lengths and dd aprefix
private boolean mixed = false; //keep lengths and add pefix dont use with annexb
private boolean prelStyle = false; //include avcc 6 byte data
private boolean directPipe = false; //send in the data with no editing
public VideoDecoder(PipedOutputStream pipedOutputStream)
this.pipedOutputStream = pipedOutputStream;
// raw udp rtp packets come in here from the the udp.packet.getdata filled at socket
public void addPacket(byte[] incoming)
if (directPipe){
if (incoming[0] != (byte) rtpByteHeader1){
System.out.println(TAG + " rtpHeaderError " + Byte.toString(incoming[0]));
if (incoming[1] == typeSPSPPS){
System.out.println(TAG + "addPacket type: 24" );
else if (incoming[1] == typeFUA){
//System.out.println(TAG + "addPacket type: 28" );
else if (incoming[1] == 1){
System.out.println(TAG + "addPacket type: 1" );
}else if (incoming[1] == 5){
System.out.println(TAG + "addPacket type: 5" );
System.out.println(TAG + "addPacket unknown type - ERROR " + String.valueOf(incoming[1]) );
//SPS & PPS this will get hit before every type 5
//im not rtp compliant.
// length sps length pps prel = 6length
private void unpackType24(byte[] twentyFour)
if (annexB){
int sp = (twentyFour[13] << 8 | twentyFour[14] & 0XFF);
int pp = (twentyFour[sp + 15] << 8 | twentyFour[sp + 16] & 0XFF);
byte[] sps = new byte[sp];
byte[] pps = new byte[pp];
System.arraycopy(twentyFour,15, sps,0,sp);
System.arraycopy(twentyFour,sp + 17, pps,0,pps.length);
}else if (prelStyle)
//Debug.debugHex("unpack24 " , twentyFour, twentyFour.length);
int spsl = (twentyFour[14] & 0xff) + 2;
int ppsl = (twentyFour[14+ spsl] & 0xff) +2;
int prel = 6;
byte[] buf = new byte[spsl + ppsl + prel]; //rtp header length - type + experimental data
System.arraycopy(twentyFour, 13, buf, 6,spsl + ppsl);
System.arraycopy(twentyFour, spsl + ppsl + 13, buf,0, 6);
int spsl = (twentyFour[14] & 0xff) + 2;
int ppsl = (twentyFour[14+ spsl] & 0xff) +2;
byte[] buf = new byte[spsl + ppsl ]; //rtp header length - type + experimental data
System.arraycopy(twentyFour, 13, buf, 0,spsl + ppsl);
//System.arraycopy(twentyFour, spsl + ppsl + 13, buf,0, 6);
//Single NON IDR Nal - This seems liekly to never occur
private void unpackType1(byte[] one)
byte[] buf = new byte[one.length-12];
System.arraycopy(one, 12, buf, 0,buf.length);
//Single IDR Nal - This seems likely to never occur
private void unpackType5(byte[] five)
byte[] buf = new byte[five.length-12];
System.arraycopy(five, 12, buf, 0,buf.length);
// Unpack either any split up nalu - This will get 99.999999 of nalus
synchronized private void unpackType28(byte[] twentyEight)
//Debug.deBugHexTrailing("unpack 28 ", twentyEight, 20 );
int ts = (twentyEight[4] << 24 | twentyEight[5] << 16 | twentyEight[6] << 8 | twentyEight[7] & 0XFF); //each nalu has a unique timestamp
//int seqN = (twentyEight[2] << 8 | twentyEight[3] & 0xFF); //each part of that nalu is numbered in order.
// numbers are from every packet ever. not this nalu. no zero or 1 start
//check if already building this nalu
if (assemblyLine.containsKey(ts)){
//add a new nalu
assemblyLine.put(ts, new NaluBuffer(ts, twentyEight));
//this will transfer the assembled nal units to the media codec/trans-coder/decoder/whatever?!?
private void transferTOFFmpeg(byte[] nalu)
Debug.debugHex("VideoDecoder transferTOFFmpg -> ", nalu, 30);
if (annexB || mixed){
}catch (IOException ioe){
System.out.println(TAG + " transferTOFFmpeg - unable to lay pipe ;)");
if (assemblyLine.size() > assemblyThresh){
System.err.println(TAG + "transferToFFmpeg -> assemblyLine grows to a count of " + String.valueOf(assemblyLine.size()));
assemblyThresh += thresh;
private void clearList()
String n = "\n";
List<Integer> toremove = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
for(Map.Entry<Integer, NaluBuffer> entry : assemblyLine.entrySet()) {
Integer key = entry.getKey();
NaluBuffer value = entry.getValue();
if (value.age < System.currentTimeMillis() - trashDelay){
.append(String.valueOf(value.timeStamp)).append(" timestamp").append(n)
.append(String.valueOf(value.payloadType)).append(" type").append(n)
.append(String.valueOf(value.count)).append(" count").append(n)
.append(String.valueOf(value.start)).append(" ").append(String.valueOf(value.finish)).append(n)
for (Integer i :
toremove) {
if (toremove.size() > 0){
System.out.println(TAG + " cleaList current size : " + String.valueOf(assemblyLine.size()) + n + "deleting: " + toremove.size() + n + description);
assemblyThresh = thresh;
private void deletMe(int key)
if (assemblyLine.size() > 3){
Once a multipart FU-A rtp packet is found it is added to a hashset containing this class
Here we do everything needed to either complete assembly and send or destroy if not completed due to presumable packet loss
** Example Packet From First FU-A with SER = 100 **
description-> |-------RTP--HEADER------| |FU-A--HEADER| |-NAL--HEADER|
byte index-> 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11| 12|13 14|15|16|17|18
| | | | | | | | |S S R C| | |__header | | | | |__type
| | | | |TIMESTM| |__indicator | | | |__length
| | | |__sequence number | | |__length
| | |____sequence number | |___length
| |__payload |__length
|___version padding extension
private class NaluBuffer
private final static String TAG = "NaluBuffer";
//private static final int BUFF_SIZE = 200005; // this is the max nalu size + 5 byte header we searched for in our androids nalu search
long age;
//List<String> sizes = new ArrayList<>();
NaluePiece[] buffer = new NaluePiece[167];
int count = 0;
int start;
int finish;
int timeStamp; //from rtp packets.
int completedSize; //this is number of nalu
int payloadType; //nalu type 5 or 1
int byteLength;
int naluByteArrayLength = 0;
//if it doesnt exist
NaluBuffer(int timeStamp, byte[] piece)
//System.out.println(TAG + " constructor " + String.valueOf(timeStamp) );
this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
age = System.currentTimeMillis();
//adding another piece
synchronized public void addPiece(byte[] piece)
//System.out.println(TAG + " addPiece " + String.valueOf(timeStamp));
//add to buffer. incoming data is still raw rtp packet
private void addPieceToBuffer(byte[] piece)
//System.out.println(TAG + " addPiecetobuffer " + String.valueOf(piece[13]));
int seqN = (piece[2] << 8 | piece[3] & 0xFF);
//add to buffer
buffer[count] = new NaluePiece(seqN, Arrays.copyOfRange(piece, 14,piece.length)); // 14 because we skip rtp header of 12 and fu-a header of 2
int in = ( piece.length - 14); //we save each byte[] copied size so we can easily construct a completed array later
naluByteArrayLength += in;
//check if first or last, completed size type etc
if ((start == 0) && (piece[13] & 0b11000000) == 0b10000000){
//start of nalu
start = (piece[2] << 8 | piece[3] & 0xFF);
payloadType = (piece[13] & 0b00011111); //could have used [18] //get type
byteLength = (piece[17]&0xFF | (piece[16]&0xFF)<<8 | (piece[15]&0xFF)<<16 | (piece[14]&0xFF)<<24); //get the h264 encoded length
byteLength += 4; //Now add 4 bytes for the length encoding itself
if (payloadType == 1 || payloadType == 5 && byteLength < 200000){
System.err.println(TAG + " addpiecetobuffer type: " + String.valueOf(payloadType) + "length: " + String.valueOf(byteLength) );
//System.out.println(TAG + " addpiecetobuffer start " + String.valueOf(start) + " type " + String.valueOf(payloadType));
}else if ((finish == 0) && (piece[13] & 0b11000000) == 0b01000000){
//end of nalu
finish = (piece[2] << 8 | piece[3] & 0xFF);
//System.out.println(TAG + " addpiecetobuffer finish " + String.valueOf(finish));
if (finish != 0 && start != 0 && completedSize == 0){
//completed size in packet sequnce number NOT in byte length
completedSize = finish - start;
//System.out.println(TAG + " addpiecetobuffer completedsize " + String.valueOf(completedSize));
//originally put in bytes but thats not what I was counting ...duh!
// (piece[14] <<24 | piece[15] << 16 | piece[16] << 8 | piece[17] & 0xFF);
//check if complete
if (completedSize != 0 && count == completedSize){
// we have every sequence number accounted for.
// reconstruct the nalu and send it to the decoder
private void assembleDeliver()
count++; //make up for the ount that didn't get called following addpiecetobuffer method
// System.out.println(TAG + " assembleDeliver " + String.valueOf(timeStamp));
//create a new array the exact length needed and sort each nalu by sequence number
NaluePiece[] newbuf = new NaluePiece[count];
System.arraycopy(buffer,0,newbuf,0, count);
// TODO: 9/28/2018 we have no gaps in data here checking newbuff !!!!!
//this will be an array we feed/pipe to our videoprocessor
byte[] out;
if (annexB){
out = new byte[naluByteArrayLength-4]; //remove the 4 bytes of length
int tally = 0;
int destPos = 0;
int src = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i == 1){
src = 0;
tally += newbuf[i].piece.length;
System.arraycopy(newbuf[i].piece, src, out, destPos, newbuf[i].piece.length - src);
//Debug.fillCompleteNalData(out, destPos, newbuf[i].piece.length);
destPos += newbuf[i].piece.length - src;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("VideoDecoder assembleDeliver out.length ").append(String.valueOf(out.length))
.append(" destPos ").append(String.valueOf(destPos)).append(" tally ").append(String.valueOf(tally))
.append(" count ").append(String.valueOf(count)).append(" obuf ").append(String.valueOf(completedSize));
for (String s :
sizes) {
sb.append(s).append(" ");
out = new byte[naluByteArrayLength];
int destPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
System.arraycopy(newbuf[i].piece, 0, out, destPos, newbuf[i].piece.length);
destPos += newbuf[i].piece.length;
if (naluByteArrayLength != byteLength){
System.err.println(TAG + " assembleDeliver -> ERROR - h264 encoded length: " + String.valueOf(byteLength) + " and byte length found: " + String.valueOf(naluByteArrayLength) + " do not match");
// TODO: 9/28/2018 we have gaps in data here
//This class stores the payload and ordering info
private class NaluePiece implements Comparable<NaluePiece>
int sequenceNumber; //here is the number we can access to order them
byte[] piece; //here we store the raw payload data to be aggregated
public NaluePiece(int sequenceNumber, byte[] piece)
this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
this.piece = piece;
public int compareTo(NaluePiece o) {
return Integer.compare(this.sequenceNumber, o.sequenceNumber);