I'm trying to disable all the caches in nginx for testing purpose.

I've set the following line

add_header Cache-Control no-cache;

I see that the page itself is not cached, but the images, css, and javascripts are. I suspect that this is because Firefox is getting "304 Not Modified" header.

Is there a way to prevent it?


I think I found it myself. Firefox shows '200 OK' all the time now.

Is this correct way?

I've added

if_modified_since off;
add_header Last-Modified "";

3 回答 3


Sounds right to me.

If the agent (in this case Firefox) says 200 OK, it means the transfer happened.

于 2011-10-04T22:49:13.143 回答

Another way is to use a location directive:

location ~ \.(html|css|js)(.*)$ {
    expires -1;
    add_header Cache-Control no-store;
于 2018-01-02T02:53:34.633 回答

Another way is doing ctrl + f5

于 2012-08-18T13:49:51.877 回答