我需要将一堆大的.avis 导出/压缩到.movs。
唯一的问题是,它没有导出我在 Quicktime 中使用的“最新设置”。此外,它将其导出为 .mp4 而不是 .mov。
export front document to output_file as MPEG-4
export front document to output_file as QuickTime movie
它仍然以 mpeg-4 格式导出。
with timeout of 86400 seconds
display dialog "Before beginning batch processing, make sure QuickTime Player is set to the desired export settings, and all videos to be processed are in a folder named ‘Input’ on the desktop." with icon note
tell application "Finder"
set the startup_disk to the name of the startup disk
end tell
set user to do shell script "whoami"
set input_folder_name to "Input"
set input_folder to startup_disk & ":Users:" & user & ":Desktop:" & input_folder_name & ":"
set user_desktop to startup_disk & ":Users:" & user & ":Desktop:"
set output_folder to startup_disk & ":Users:" & user & ":Desktop:Output:"
set file_extension to "_export.mp4"
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at user_desktop with properties {name:"Output"}
end tell
end try
set the_folder_list to list folder input_folder without invisibles
repeat with x from 1 to count of the_folder_list
set the_file to input_folder & item x of the_folder_list
set output_file to output_folder & item x of the_folder_list & file_extension
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open the_file
export front document to output_file as QuickTime movie using most recent settings with replacing
close front document
end tell
end repeat
on error
display dialog "This script requires a folder named ‘" & input_folder_name & "‘ located on the desktop." with icon stop
end try
end timeout