要使用 GWT 2.4.0 RequestFactory,您必须运行请求工厂验证工具。否则,它只是行不通。[Google 说][1],只需向 pom.xml 添加 2 个插件就足够了:
<!-- requestfactory-apt runs an annotation processor (APT) to
instrument its service interfaces so that
RequestFactoryServer can decode client requests. Normally
you would just have a dependency on requestfactory-apt
with <scope>provided</scope>, but that won't work in
eclipse due to m2e bug
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=335036 -->
<!-- Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) won't see the source
generated above by requestfactory-apt unless it is exposed
as an additional source dir-->
问题是,我有一个相当复杂的使用 AOP 的服务器端代码,所以当验证工具对该代码运行时,它会失败,因为“没有方法 xxx()”,“xxx 类没有实现接口 yyy”,等等
所以,我的问题是,是否可以在 pom.xml 级别解决此问题,而不是将所有 AOP 代码移动到单独编译的单独项目中?