i created one application which uses devexpress xtragrid control. I used xtragrid control on the user control of devexpress. And used that user control on the form. And in the load event of user control i bind the data to the xtragrid control by using datasource property of xtragrid. Problem that i'm facing is that when i'm loading data first time to the xtragrid then it works fine. But after next loading it is showing data to the xtragrid control but it is not showing data to the view of the xtragrid control.

I don't know why this is happening at the second loading. How to resolve this problem?



1 回答 1


你绑定它有问题吗?或者通过 xtragrid 设计师?

如果您以编程方式执行此操作,请尝试使用 gridview 的 refreshdata 方法...

于 2012-08-16T10:18:14.133 回答