Primavera P6 上安装了许多 Web 服务。WSDL:ActivityCodeAssignment.wsdl
目标命名空间:http: //
默认传输 URL:
http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl
https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl
但是如果我在网络浏览器上输入这个: http://my-machine:7005/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl
如果我尝试在 Visual Studio 中添加服务引用,它会说。
There was an error downloading 'http://my-machine:7005/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl'.
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://my-machine:7005/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl'.
There was no endpoint listening at http://my-machine:7005/p6ws/services/ActivityCodeAssignment?wsdl that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the solution and adding the service reference again.
P6 是否使用了一些不同的网络服务?