当我尝试在 MPLAB 中构建我的项目时,我收到了此构建错误消息..
Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Deleted file "M:\12 CCP PWM\12 CCP PWM.o".
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\MCC18\bin\mcc18.exe" -p=18F46K20 "12 CCP PWM.c" -fo="12 CCP PWM.o" -Ou- -Ot- -Ob- -Op- -Or- -Od- -Opa-
MPLAB C18 v3.20 (feature limited)
Copyright 1999-2005 Microchip Technology Inc.
This version of MPLAB C18 does not support the extended mode
and will not perform all optimizations. To purchase a full
copy of MPLAB C18, please contact your local distributor or
visit buy.microchip.com.
Executing: "C:\MCC18\bin\mplink.exe" /l"C:\MCC18\lib" "C:\MCC18\lkr\18f46k20i.lkr" "12 CCP PWM.o" /u_CRUNTIME /o"12 CCP PWM.cof" /M"12 CCP PWM.map" /W
MPLINK 4.20, Linker
Copyright (c) 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - could not find definition of symbol 'main' in file 'C:\MCC18\lib/c018i.o'.
Errors : 1
Link step failed.
Release build of project `M:\12 CCP PWM\12 CCP PWM.mcp' failed.
Thu Apr 16 14:34:41 2009
这是我的源代码.. http://cl1p.net/mplabc18