我是 Perl 新手,遇到了一个非常奇怪的打印问题。
Perl 程序在 Windows XP 上运行。它首先执行一条 SQL,然后循环遍历结果并通过 5 个子例程输出到 5 个文件。这 5 个文件将被加载到数据库中,因此它|
print outfile $array[field1] . '|' . $array[field2] . '|' . $array[field3] . "\n";
我想知道这是否与记忆有关。输出文件大小范围从 500MB 到 9GB。该程序确实一次从 SQL 读取一条记录的输出,并且一次也写入一条记录。
这是完整的 Perl 脚本。
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;
# Constants:
use constant field0 => 0;
use constant field1 => 1;
use constant field2 => 2;
use constant field3 => 3;
use constant field4 => 4;
use constant field5 => 5;
use constant field6 => 6;
use constant field7 => 7;
use constant field8 => 8;
use constant field9 => 9;
use constant field10 => 10;
use constant field11 => 11;
use constant field12 => 12;
use constant field13 => 13;
use constant field14 => 14;
use constant field15 => 15;
use constant field16 => 16;
use constant field17 => 17;
use constant field18 => 18;
use constant field19 => 19;
use constant field20 => 20;
use constant field21 => 21;
use constant field22 => 22;
use constant field23 => 23;
use constant field24 => 24;
use constant field25 => 25;
use constant field26 => 26;
use constant field27 => 27;
use constant field28 => 28;
use constant field29 => 29;
use constant field30 => 30;
use constant field31 => 31;
use constant field32 => 32;
use constant field33 => 33;
use constant field34 => 34;
use constant field35 => 35;
use constant field36 => 36;
use constant field37 => 37;
use constant field38 => 38;
use constant field39 => 39;
use constant field40 => 40;
use constant field41 => 41;
# Capture Directory Path from Environment Variable:
# Process Counters:
my %fileCntr = (
ccr1 => 0,
ccr2 => 0,
ccr3 => 0,
ccr4 => 0,
ccr5 => 0
# Process Control Hashes:
my %xref = ();
# Process Control Variables:
my $diag = 0;
my $proc = 0;
my $ndcc = 0;
my $previous = "";
# Claims Extract array:
my @arr = ();
my $hdr = "";
# Accept/Parse DSS Connection String:
$ENV{PSWD} =~ /(.+)\/(.+)\@(.+)/;
my $USER = $1;
my $PASS = $2;
my $CONN = 'DBI:Oracle:' . $3;
# ALTER Date format:
# Database Connection:
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $CONN, $USER, $PASS, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 } );
$dbh->do($ATL); # Execute ALTER session.
my $SQL = qq(
SELECT ... here is a big sql query
# Open OUTPUT file for CCR processing:
open OUT1, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr1.dat" or die "Unable to open OUT1 file: $!\n";
open OUT2, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr2.dat" or die "Unable to open OUT2 file: $!\n";
open OUT3, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr3.dat" or die "Unable to open OUT3 file: $!\n";
open OUT4, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr4.dat" or die "Unable to open OUT4 file: $!\n";
open OUT5, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr5.dat" or die "Unable to open OUT5 file: $!\n";
# Redirect STDOUT to log file:
open STDOUT, ">$DIRECTORY/ccr.log" or die "Unable to open LOG file: $!\n";
# Prepare $SQL for execution:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
# Produce out files:
local $, = "|";
local $\ = "\n";
while (@arr = $sth->fetchrow_array)
# Direct Write of CCR1&2 records:
# Write and Wipe CCR3 HASH Table:
&WriteCCR3() unless ($arr[field0] == $previous);
# Loop processing for CCR4:
# Loop processing for CCR5:
# Print Record Counts for OUTPUT files:
foreach my $key (keys %fileCntr) { print "$key: " . $fileCntr{$key} . "\n"; }
# Terminate DB connection:
# Close all output files:
close(OUT1); close(OUT2); close(OUT3);
close(OUT4); close(OUT5);
# Reassign Output End-of-record across subroutine block:
local $\ = "\n";
sub BuildCCR12
# Write CCR1 Table:
print OUT1 $arr[field6] . '|' . $arr[field7] . '|' . $arr[field5] . '|' .
$arr[field0] . '|' . $arr[field8] . '|' . $arr[field9] . '|' .
$arr[field10] . '|' . $arr[field11] . '|' . $arr[field12] . '|' .
$arr[field13] . '|' . $arr[field2] . '|' . $arr[field3] . '|' .
$arr[field40] . '|' . $arr[field16];
# Write CCR2 Table:
unless ($arr[field17] eq '###########') {
print OUT2 ++$ndcc . "|" . $arr[field0] . "|" .
$arr[field6] . '|' . $arr[field7] . '|' .
$arr[field17] . '|' . $arr[field19] . '|' . $arr[field18] . '|' .
$arr[field2] . '|' . $arr[field3] . '|' . $arr[field39];
sub WriteCCR3
unless ($previous == "")
# Produce ccr3 from DISTINCT combo listing:
foreach $key (keys %xref) { print OUT3 $xref{$key}; $fileCntr{ccr3}++; }
%xref = ();
sub BuildCCR3
# Spin off relationship:
for (my $i = field8; $i <= field13; $i++)
unless ($arr[$i] == -1)
$xref{$arr[field0] . "|" . $arr[$i]} = $arr[field0] . "|" . $arr[$i];
$previous = $arr[field0];
sub BuildCCR4
# Spin off relationship:
for (my $i = field26; $i <= field37; $i++)
my $sak = $arr[field0] . $arr[field6] . $arr[field7] . $arr[$i];
unless (($arr[$i] eq '#######') or ($arr[$i] eq '######')) {
print OUT4 ++$diag . '|' . $arr[field0] . '|' .
$arr[field6] . '|' .
$arr[field7] . '|' . $arr[$i];
sub BuildCCR5
# Spin off field0/Procedure relationship:
for (my $i = field20; $i <= field23; $i++)
my $sak = $arr[field0] . $arr[field6] . $arr[field7] . $arr[$i];
unless ($arr[$i] eq '######' or $arr[$i] eq '####') {
print OUT5 ++$proc . '|' . $arr[field0] . '|' . $arr[field6] . '|' .
$arr[field7] . '|' . $arr[$i];
问题在于 CCR3 输出。在某个时间点之后,换行符由于某种原因消失了,并且数据被破坏,就好像换行符吃掉了一些输出一样。从那一点开始,它变成了 1 条连续线。
另一件事是这个程序将运行接近 26 小时并且在循环通过 sql 时,是否有任何机会,数据可能会被弄乱?但它仍然无法解释为什么突然换行不再起作用。